Fun for Grown-Ups at Disney: The BoardWalk

It’s been awhile since I’ve written one of these, so I thought I’d introduce the column again. In this recurring feature, I like to put a spotlight on activities at one or more of the Disney parks that are perfect for adults adventuring at Disney sans kids. I realize that my pick for this month’s column on fun for grown-ups at Disney might seem a little strange. When I was younger my family went to the beach nearly every year, sometimes on our own and sometimes as a part of a group trip. A tour around the boardwalk was always … Continue reading

Summers at the Shore

My dad grew up in New Jersey, the middle child in a family of eleven children. While all of his siblings married and remained on the East Coast my dad married and moved to Hawaii. Gone, but not forgotten. Each summer my parents would take me (and my three brothers) back East to visit family… and much of that time was spent at the Jersey Shore. (Specifically, Seaside Heights and Point Pleasant, New Jersey.) Seaside Heights, New Jersey is a popular shore community of 3,100 year-round residents, but in the summer the population swells to more than 30,000. Its close … Continue reading