SnapChat Might Trigger Body Dysmorphic Disorder

Parents might want to have a conversation with their teens and tweens who use SnapChat or Facetune. A Viewpoint published on JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery warns that apps that enable users to alter their selfies into something prettier can trigger body dysmorphic disorder in some people. The Viewpoint was written by Susruthi Rajanala, BA; Mayra B. C. Mayome, MD; and Neelam A. Vashi, MD. They point out a change in patients who seek plastic surgery. “Previously, patients would bring images of celebrities to their consultations to emulate their attractive features. A new phenomenon, dubbed “Snapchat dysmorphia,” has patients seeking out … Continue reading

Obsessed by your looks?

Most people are conscious of the way they look. Both the fashion and cosmetic industry is built around people’s image of themselves. The majority of people make an attempt to look as good as they can. It helps them to feel good about themselves. But what happens when this need to look good takes on a life of its own? What happens when we will stop at nothing to change the way we look? Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) is a condition that probably originated on the same day that mirrors were invented. There probably aren’t too many people who haven’t … Continue reading