Weight Training Linked to Weight Loss

Researchers at Boston University School of Medicine have conducted a study that proves what people like Joe Weider, Cory Everson, Bill Phillips and Monica Brant have been saying for decades. “Weight training may be as important to losing weight as aerobic exercise.” You don’t say? There are two kinds of muscle that we all have: slow twitch (type I) and fast twitch (type II). Aerobic training increases slow twitch while weight training increases fast twitch. Mice used in the study were overfed to become obese, insulin resistant (pre-diabetic) and develop fatty acid deposits in their liver. When a gene was … Continue reading

Body for Life Recipe: Chicken Salad

Having a vegetable salad or just a green salad for lunch can leave you hungry and cranky before your lunch hour is even over. It is our good-intentioned salad crunching mid day that kills many of our weight loss efforts. We try to go through the day on a bran muffin for breakfast and a salad for lunch but we know that no active adult can do anything of the sort. Eating a salad is very much like eating Chinese food. You will be hungry a half hour later. Knowing this is half the battle. The biggest problem with trying … Continue reading

You Are What You Think!

“If your mind can conceive it, you can achieve it!” Believe it or not, your mind is listening to everything you say and think about yourself. If you spend your time filling your mind with negative self-talk like “I’m so fat”, “I really need to lose weight”, “I look so fat in this outfit” then your mind will make it so. Even if you don’t look fat or need to lose weight, your mind is the control center for your body and will make sure that you eventually do. Tell yourself (or others) that you’re fat and even if you … Continue reading

Body for Life Day #6 Training: Aerobic

Today’s training is another 20-minute aerobic workout. Remember that when doing these workouts you really need to use the intensity scale. Doing 20 minutes of lackadaisical exercise without putting your mind, or body, to it will not pay off. Isn’t it worth 20 minutes, three times a week for the fit and healthy body you’ve always wanted? Too many people who are trying to lose weight depend solely upon aerobic exercise. We see them at the gym every day. They work like crazy and sweat like an air conditioner in Florida in the middle of July. But they never manage … Continue reading

Body for Life Proteins (and how to mix them up!)

Chicken Breast Try my marinated chicken breast recipe. This is a really versatile recipe that you can make in bulk and grill at the beginning of the week for easy meals throughout even the busiest of weeks. Turkey Breast You can purchase just a turkey breast at your local grocery store, roast it and enjoy it throughout the week. I prefer to cook mine on a rotisserie after rubbing it with a combination of poultry seasoning, Mrs Dash Garlic and Herb, garlic powder and sage. Lean Ground Turkey Mix lean ground turkey with spices (like the ones I use for … Continue reading

Body-for-Life Day #5 Training: Upper Body

Although the exercises are the same as the workout from Day #1, this workout should be just a little different. You’ll find that the exercises are a little bit easier every time you do them. You’ll also find that you are capable of using more weight. Perhaps not today but eventually you’ll start gaining muscle and find that the weights you began with just aren’t as challenging any more. Most women are hesitant to start weight training. If you are one of them, there are some very important things that you should be aware of: 1. Muscle burns fat. This … Continue reading

Body-for-Life Success Story: Jayne Cox

Jayne Cox was hesitant to start Body-for-Life when her husband suggested that they do it together. In fact, she was just plain against falling for another diet or exercise fad. The idea of doing aerobics of any sort was a complete turn-off and lifting weights was something she’d never done and had no interest in starting. Jayne was like many of us. She had a happy marriage, a great family and a comfortable life but something just wasn’t quite right. Jayne had very little self esteem and her personal confidence was non-existent. Although she wasn’t interested in trying Body-for-Life, she … Continue reading

Body-for-Life Workout, Day #4

Taking the Stairs Most of us have a set of stairs somewhere in or near our home. Generally, we look at them as a minor inconvenience but now it is time for us to look at them as a great new opportunity! Climbing stairs is a great exercise for the calves, thighs, hips and glutes. Calves, thighs, hips and glutes just happen to be the biggest muscle group that most women need to shape up. Yes, forget about the abs for now, let’s shape up those hideous hips and bulky booty that we all avoid looking at and try to … Continue reading

Body for Life Workout Day #3

I used to think that a good leg workout necessitated heavy duty equipment like a squat sled and a calf press machine. Then I discovered that a great leg workout can be had at home, or anywhere for that matter, without any specialized equipment at all. Day #3 on Body-for-Life calls for weight training for the lower body (abdominals and legs) and can be easily done at home. I’ve included the Progress Report with this blog for your convenience. Following are the exercises I suggest you try on day #3 and how you can use common household items to add … Continue reading

Body-for-Life Workout Day #1

We’re ready to start the Body-for-Life program! If you haven’t started with the initial Day #1 instructions in the Weight Loss Blog, please click here. Every day will begin with the Weight Loss Blog and link to the next day’s workout (in the Fitness Blog) as well as the day’s food tip in the Food Blog. The great thing about the Body-for-Life program is that you don’t need to join a gym to participate. In fact, you can do every workout in the privacy and comfort of your own home without the hassle of having to join a gym, pay … Continue reading