Should Your Child’s Body Mass Index (BMI) Be Included On Their Report Card?

Should your child’s Body Mass Index (BMI) be included on their report card? According to the current issue of Redbook, several states have elected to include BMI’s on students’ report card in an effort to fight the rising childhood obesity epidemic. Your BMI is the ratio of weight to height and is used to determine a person’s healthy weight. I’m usually pretty much for or against an issue like this but I have to say this is one time I’m sort of riding the fence. I can understand both sides of the issue and could be persuaded to go either … Continue reading

Pinching an Inch – How Much Is Fat?

During any gym evaluation, the trainer you are working with will likely use calipers to do a body fat test. Th idea is to give you the information that the scale cannot. Remember, when you stand on a scale, you are measuring how much your internal organs, your skin, your muscles, your bones and other body tissues weigh. Since muscle weighs more per square inch than fat, just knowing your weight can be a very misleading number in determining personal fitness. So if weight is not a good indicator of positive or negative health, why do so many of us … Continue reading