Preventing Neck and Back Injuries

Did you know that 8 out of 10 people will see a physician for back pain some time in their life? As anyone who has had a problem with their back can tell you: it’s a problem, and it’s debilitating. Taking care of your back is serious business, but often we take it for granted. Often, a lot of our problems with our neck and back could be prevented if we were more aware of (and nicer to) our bodies. Let’s start with posture. Your mother, and your piano teacher, knew what they were talking about when they said “don’t … Continue reading

Your Back & Pregnancy

One of the most common problems you may encounter during pregnancy is back pain. It’s unsurprising that your back will hurt when you are carrying an additional 30 pounds of weight in your abdominal area and your center of gravity changes. Also the s-shaped curve of your back is deeply accentuated. This increases the stress on both your upper and your lower back. Your breasts also grow significantly larger when you are pregnant. The engorgement begins by the end of the first trimester and this increases the amount of stress on your upper and lower back. So back pain is … Continue reading