Jump for Joy… and Stronger Bones

Here’s some news that will have you jumping for joy: A new study shows that simple jumping can significantly improve bone and muscle strength. The 8-month long study of 99 adolescents found boys that participated in a 10-minute workout consisting of tuck jumps, star jumps, side lunges and skipping significantly improved whole body bone mass while the girls’ in the study experienced improvements in the bone mass at the hip and spine. The teens’ results were compared to those of students who participated in a workout regime void of jumping. The kids in the jumping group gradually increased the complexity … Continue reading

No Bones about It

I have an ongoing beef with residents of this apartment complex who don’t treat it like a home. The people who don’t pick up after their dogs are a big part of my irritation; people who are irresponsible with garbage are another. I’ve lost count of how many time Moose has found some kind of vaguely edible treat on the ground — bread, fast food wrappers, bones, and more. I hope the litter is accidental, but when I think of how often Moose has crunched down on a chicken bone in the parking lot, I fear that it’s not. I’ll … Continue reading

Help Your Bones Heal

Healing a broken bone doesn’t have to be just a waiting game — put on the cast and sit back to wait. There are some things you can do to help a bone heal after an injury. If you’re a smoker — STOP. Patients who smoke take a longer time to heal (on average) than those who do not. Smokers are also at higher risk of developing a nonunion — a bone that doesn’t heal correctly. Why? Smoking can alter the blood flow to your bones, depriving a healing area of necessary nutrients. Eat a healthy, balanced diet. Your body … Continue reading

Bones – They Do A Body Good

Regular exercise isn’t about building muscle and staying in shape, it’s also about building strong bones. Our skeletal structure, though buried amidst our muscles and soft tissue, is a critical part about living healthy and healthy living. Bone density is increased with regular exercise. Dense bones are good because they help support our overall body frame and structure. As we age, our bone density lessens unless we maintain our exercise and keep our bones strong. The exercises that are designed to do this are called weight bearing. Weight bearing exercises include golf, walking, jogging, dancing, swimming and stair climbing. These … Continue reading

Why Does My Body Need Calcium?

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body — more than 99 percent of all calcium in your body is stored in the bones and teeth. Where is the rest of the calcium? It can be found throughout the body in your blood, muscles, and more. What does calcium do? The number one thing calcium does is support bone and tooth structure. Your bones are constantly breaking down and being rebuilt — the pace at which this happens changes throughout life. During childhood, your body does much more building and much less breaking down. In early and middle adulthood, … Continue reading

Osteoporosis Tests For Men

Osteoporosis tests are routine for older women, but a new study from Park Nicollet Health Services in Minneapolis says that they should be routine for certain men, too. Medical experts see a general misconception in the United States that osteoporosis is only a threat to women. Current data indicates that one in two Caucasian women will suffer an osteoporosis-related fracture at some point in her lifetime. One in four Caucasian men will suffer an osteoporosis-related fracture at some point in his lifetime. Osteoporosis is half as common in men as it is in women, but it is still very common. … Continue reading

Dairy-licious and Healthy?

I’m stuffed. Yesterday our playgroup attended an ice cream social at a local park (our city hosts several of these events throughout the summer). Ice cream treats for 25 cents each. Now that’s a real treat. Of course, my 3-year-old daughter wanted one of everything: Fudgesicles, Drumsticks, Creamsicles, Choco-Tacos, ice cream sandwiches… there had to have been more than a dozen types of ice cream treats there. I told her she could pick two of her favorites. Big mistake. Long story short—her eyes turned out to be bigger than her stomach and I ended up downing three ice cream treats. … Continue reading