I Dream of Bookcases

I’ve always had a special relationship with books, for at least as long as I can remember. My very first books, The Poky Little Puppy and a set of children’s encyclopedias were treasured as no other toys were. Through the years, I also dreamed of having my own built-in bookcases. Through the years, I have had many substitutes for these imagined bookcases. First there was the headboard on my twin bed at home which held library books and a row of paperbacks I got for free through the library’s Reading is Fundamental program. Later, in college, there were a series … Continue reading

Fun Book Storage Ideas

Do you have books spilling every which way and all over the house? Here are some fun and practical ideas for book storage. Cookbooks Store your cookbooks in the kitchen, where they can be easily accessed. I keep mine in a glass-fronted pantry in the kitchen. The books add to the decor of the space and make everything look warm and inviting. Here is a de-cluttering tip: Go through your cookbooks and add a post it not on the pages of every recipe you regularly make or have tried. If a book has less than five post it notes, consider … Continue reading

Organizing the Family Room (4)

Time to get through all that old media and the plethora of family games. Are you with me? Let’s get everything organized and ready for the new year. Here is the list we have been working through for the family room: Books Magazines Video tapes and DVDs Cassettes, CDs and records Games If you have upgraded to new media, such as a DVD player instead of a VCR, if you never listen to all of the records you might still have, then consider giving your nostalgic collection away to someone who could appreciate it. Cassettes, CDs and records: If you … Continue reading

Taking Care of Your Personal Library (1)

Do you have books at home on shelves? Congratulations! You have your very own personal library. And like every good librarian, you’ll need to take care of that library of books and the shelves, if you want to have anything of value. You also want to make sure that your books are in good condition when you are ready to read them. Books can quickly and silently deteriorate, if they aren’t properly cared for, succumbing to mold, mildew, stains, and dust that can’t be removed. Another reason to maintain your personal library is because of your friends. We have our … Continue reading

Reusing What You Have – For Bookends

Several weeks back, my son came to me and was complaining because his books on his dresser kept falling over. He wanted me to buy him some bookends to help hold the books up. So I started looking around at the prices for some that would match his room. Ha! The prices were outrageous for anything that was made for a child, and honestly even grown up style bookends are pretty crazy. I found a few cheaper ones, but they weren’t very heavy and would not have held his heavy science related books as well as his enormous collection of … Continue reading

What Can I Do With All These Books?

For families that enjoy reading, the accumulation of books around the house can pose a problem. Soon, there are books everywhere. Even if you trade some in or give some away, you soon accumulate more to fill your hunger for reading. Children also tend to collect lots of books, and they like to hold on to the ones that are special to them. To keep books from overwhelming your spaces, try some of these ideas. Books as Decor Elements Many designers use books as decor elements, and you can too. Select books that are the appropriate color for a particular … Continue reading