How to Learn a Lot

Sometimes classes are boring: really boring. Sometimes you thought you were signing up for a class that was going to really interest you. It was going to cover a topic that you know enough about to be excited about learning more and when you show up for that first day of class you’re the only one with a smile on your face. Then you get the syllabus. After half of an hour talking about the schools policy on tardiness and reading ahead to the actual content you’ve started to become worried about the course. If you’re anything like me you … Continue reading

Are You Interesting or Boring as a Business Owner?

In general, I find that when I am explaining the sort of work that I do to other people, they think it sounds far more fascinating and “fun” that it actually is. I think this is fairly typical—other jobs can sound much more interesting than ours since we know all the drudgery and details that go into a typical work day for us. Still, people are much more likely to want to do business with those people whom they perceive as being interesting and happy with the work they are doing. Are we sending a message to our clients and … Continue reading