Getting Right With God

Yesterday, I wrote a lot about what I used to be like and how I am remembered in my home town. An event took place about twenty-five years ago that completely changed me in every way. In my college days, I was wild and up to no good. When I married at twenty-nine, I had stopped the riotous living, but my heart had not changed at all. Shortly after Nancy and I got married, we moved to my hometown and I joined a law firm. We starting attending the church that my family had attended for several generations. We became … Continue reading

Is Baptism Required for Salvation?

This question has brought on long, drawn out debates. There is no doubt whatsoever that Jesus does command that we are baptized by fire and by water to enter the kingdom of heaven (John 3:5). Though most Christians acknowledge this, the question is, whether or not baptism in addition to reception of Jesus Christ in one’s heart and confession of the mouth, is what saves us. Some denominations baptize babies with the belief, as good parents, they are allowing for the Holy Spirit to touch their child’s life since their baby or child is too young to request the baptism … Continue reading