Borrowing Vs. Stealing

“I didn’t think anyone was using it!” or “I didn’t take it, I just borrowed it for a while”: Eventually we parents all have to wrestle with the borrowing vs. stealing issue with our children. Some, catch right on, while there are others who have a hard time figuring out the difference between borrowing and stealing or understanding the value and belief system behind what is okay, and what is not… Ideas like sharing, borrowing, taking, and possessions can be really tough ones for a child to grasp. Part of it, I think is due to developmental capabilities and stages, … Continue reading

Not All Debt is Bad

Yikes… what did you just read? Not all debit is bad?? How can that be? In these days of bankruptcies and foreclosures, how can anyone feel that any debt could be good? Just like anything else in life, your money management is a balancing act. If you constantly shower your kids with love and do everything you can to please them, you end up with troubled, spoiled children. If you spend all your time working, you end up unhealthy, stressed and lonely. You have to balance parenting with discipline AND love. You have to balance your work with the rest … Continue reading

Shopping for a Loan

As a consumer you shop around for the best deal on a car, a television set and other items. Do you do the same thing with the loans that you take out? You can save yourself a lot of money and heartache by taking the time to consider several different companies when it comes to borrowing money. Many consumers simply go with the loan offered by the car dealership or the mortgage company recommended by their realtor. It is important to realize that by shopping around you can find lower interest rates and other benefits that may accompany the loan. … Continue reading

Should You Borrow as Much as You Can?

When it comes to taking out a loan for your house or for a car, the bank will give you an amount that they are willing to loan you. Many people mistakenly think that banks would not risk giving you too much money, and go ahead and borrow the entire amount. Too often these people later find themselves in a pinch as expenses rise or their job situation changes. Here are three areas to look at when it comes to borrowing money for expensive purchases. 1) The first area you should look at is how much can you really afford. … Continue reading

Are You Considering Borrowing From Your 401K?

Have you thought about borrowing from your 401K? You are allowed to borrow against your 401K for various reasons. You are charged interest for taking out the loan, but you pay the interest to yourself. For this reason many people feel that this is a good way to get extra money from time to time. However this can be a dangerous practice. In some ways you are stealing from your retirement, to finance your life now. Yes you do pay yourself back, but you run the risk of not being able to retire comfortably. Once your money is in your … Continue reading

Marriage and Family Issues: Debt

We know that financial problems can strain a marriage and in fact stress the entire family. How does a family manage debt without making that hole deeper? With predatory lenders advertising at alarming rates, not to mention alarming interest rates, it is no wonder some families end up compounding their debt rather than alleviating it. Do any of the following facts surprise you? Couples or families that borrow even more money in an attempt to get out of debt are the number one source of profits for many lenders. Predatory lenders target families in debt for high interest loans and … Continue reading

Lending Out Books

Okay, so we’ve established the need for a home library and now your friends are jealous. You found the latest hot fiction novel at a yard sale for .50 and they want to borrow it. The thing is, Clarabelle already borrowed your Nora Roberts and Elsie borrowed your Clive Cussler and Trixie has your Candace Salima. How are you going to keep track of who has what book? And what if they don’t give it back? And why do your friends all sound like they were named after cows? 1. Keep a notebook on your bookshelf. Write down (from left … Continue reading