Reducing Gassiness in Babies

Little babies (and big ones, too) often have a lot of gas in their systems. While many will happily pass gas anywhere at all, much to the embarrassment of a mom or a dad out in public, gas can also cause a lot of discomfort for the baby. Reducing the amount of gas that gets in to your baby’s system or produced by it can really help a fussy baby feel better. Here are some ways to reduce gassiness in your baby. Whether you breastfeed or bottle feed, make sure that the baby is positioned correctly when feeding. This means … Continue reading

Cutting Corners On Formula Could Be Fatal

In tough economic times, families are cutting back everywhere. One practice that could be deadly is cutting back on formula. Some parents are actually watering down formula in order to make it stretch further. Not only is this unwise, holding back needed nutrition for you baby, but it could be fatal. The is reporting on a story about one mom who almost lost her five-month-old son because she watered down his formula. She was shopping with him at a store when he curled up and stopped breathing. The culprit was water intoxication. The baby was rushed to the hospital … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: June 2008

June was my first official month posting for the Baby Blog. It has been a great experience. I love learning new things about babies and sharing it with friends. Of course, I could use your help. Whether you are a first-time mom or an experienced mom of a large family, I want to hear from you. Please share your advice, your questions and your comments. On which topics would you like to see more blogs? Meanwhile, take a look at all of the articles we had in June. June 2nd Introducing Babies to Birds Perhaps it is the fact that … Continue reading

Bottle Feeding Past 15 Months Linked to Iron Deficiency

If you bottle feed, you might be reluctant to take the bottle away from your baby. After all, it is sometimes easier and more comforting for the baby to have what she is used to, the bottle, instead of a cup. But, there is a good reason to get your baby on a cup from six to nine months of age. Recent studies have shown that toddlers who still use a bottle are at an increased risk for iron deficiency. This information is brought to light by a recent article in Pediatrics for Parents by Jane Brotanek, MD, MHD, an … Continue reading

Anti-Obesity Baby Formula?

My oldest daughter had rolls and rolls of fat. She had triple chins and big chunky thighs. She was breastfed and so there really was not an issue with how chubby she was. Now, at age 8, she weighs just about what she should weigh for her height. But scientists are concerned with the growing obesity rate among young children. Children these days play less and seem to have diets oozing with fats and sugars yielding a high percentage of kids who are categorized as morbidly obese. Apparently the growing trend is of such a great concern, that scientists in … Continue reading

Is Your Baby Bottle Safe–UPDATE

A while ago, I had written a blog about the plastic being used in most brands of baby bottles. You can read the full blog here, but the summary is that the most popular brands of baby bottles are being made with bisphenol A (BPA) in the plastic. A study was done and researchers found that an unsafe amount of BPA leaked into the contents of the bottle after several uses. Now I have some good news! Whole Foods now sells Born Free baby bottles, a brand that is deemed “safer” because it is biphenyl A Free. You may thought … Continue reading

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

If you bottle feed, you’ve undoubtedly been told not to put the baby to bed with his bottle. The reason is that it could cause baby bottle tooth decay also known as early childhood caries. (As you’ll see in my next blog, caries are not restricted to those babies who are bottle fed.) Here is what you need to know to help prevent serious dental problems in your baby. Decay happens when sweet liquids are given in a baby’s bottle and left on the teeth for long periods of time afterwards. (Like giving a bottle at night and not brushing … Continue reading

Is Your Baby’s Bottle Safe?

It has long been agreed upon by scientists that breastfeeding is the way to go when it comes to feeding your baby. Breastfeeding has been linked statistically to numerous health benefits including making your baby smarter, being developmentally advanced, reduced allergies, reduced risk of cancer and just about everything else under the sun that could be healthy and good for your baby. While formula cannot come close to mimicking breast milk perhaps another variable in the “breast is better” statistics is that hard plastic bottles have now been found to leak a dangerous chemical into the bottle’s liquid. An independent … Continue reading

What You Need to Know about Soy Formula

I’m not sure about other cities, but in New York’s little cafes, it seems like ‘soy’ is just about as trendy as POM (the overly priced pomegranite drink guaranteed to boost your general health). I have heard many moms talk about how they feed or plan to feed their child soy as if this is the new health rage. The assumption is that if soy is good for mom, it must be good for babes. The truth is that soy is great–if medically indicated. Soy formula uses plant based protein (found in soy beans) to replace the protein in regular … Continue reading

What You Should Know about DHA and ARA Supplemented Formulas

DHA and ARA are a moderately “new” addition to some formulas, the FDA having approved its use in 2002. DHA is docosahexaenoic acid and ARA is arachidonic acid. Both are long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Your body can make them naturally, but they are also found in certain foods such as fish oil. They are also found in human breast milk which is why formula companies are so interested in adding them to their formulas. I assumed that if it was in breast milk, it must be good for the baby and that everyone would want to run out and buy … Continue reading