Training: Redirecting Unwanted Greetings

My girl dog Lally is half boxer — which is why she likes to “box” me when I walk in the door. She stands up on her back legs and bats at me with her paws. It’s cute, but it can also be painful! It seems like every dog has his or her own particular greeting ritual. Moose demands a good scratching as soon as I come home. My brother’s dog Lily isn’t happy until she has licked everyone’s face. Lally boxes — and she recently accidentally tagged a male friend of mine in a very delicate area! The first … Continue reading

Put the Gloves On

Interested in trying something different? A good home workout routine you might decide to engage in is boxing. While boxing may not be a first choice as a form of exercise for a fitness program – it can be a lot of fun. Yes, pugilism is about fighting, but boxing isn’t necessarily about hammering on another person until they cannot stand up. It doesn’t mean blacking an eye or hurting anyone else. Instead, it’s about building up a fitness regimen that is different and if it holds your interest can improve your personal fitness levels. What Do You Need? So … Continue reading