Exercise Your Body; Strengthen Your Mind

We’ve talked about this before, but it never hurts to talk about it again and this time I even have an article from Newsweek on my side. Newsweek magazine published an article called Exercise and the Brain and it described how exercising regularly can increase your mental acuity and brainpower. I have experience this phenomenon myself. I am at my most productive when I am working out regularly. I’ve written books, reams of articles and even more as well as balancing my home and work life far more efficiently. Not to exaggerate, but I used to worry that I was … Continue reading

Puzzles & Brainstorming Can Really Give You a Boost

Did you know that when you’re really dragging or finding it hard to pluck up the motivation to do anything that a sound session of brainstorming can not only boost your mood, it can enhance it – creating an environment where you are more mentally and physically alert? School Days I was reminiscing the other day about when I was in school. For five years, I was in a program that started every morning with a series of logic problems that grew increasingly complex along with two-minute mysteries and more. During my recovery from surgery, various friends and family members … Continue reading

Brain Fitness – Defensive Pessimism

I ran across the phrase defensive pessimism in a magazine recently and as I read the description of it, I found myself staring at it and being amazed. You see, because the description I read – was myself to a tee. When confronted with a crisis, we often talk about looking at the worst possible outcome. In defensive pessimism, you take looking at the worst possible outcome a step further. You examine every detail of what could go wrong and how you would in turn respond to it. Two weeks ago, my husband went into the hospital in extreme pain … Continue reading

Kid Fitness: Flexing The Mind

We talked about stimulating your child’s mind earlier and why this is good for them. Here are a few more exercises designed to help stimulate the minds of older and younger children alike. You might try a few out for yourself as well. Observation Challenge – You perform this exercise by putting a few objects on a tray and giving the child about 10 to 20 seconds to look at it, then cover it up – ask them to name all the objects that are on the tray. You can add the number of items or reduce the observation window … Continue reading

Kids Need Brain Fitness, Too

The old motto of use or lose it applies to our brain as much as it does our body. We know that if we don’t exercise our bodies regularly, they won’t stay in tip-top shape. The same thought applies to our minds, especially the growing and developing minds of our children. Their brains are constantly developing, learning, growing and changing. We need to help them tone and strengthen it and this isn’t just about education and going to school. There are plenty of ways we can promote brain fitness in our homes and with our children. The following are a … Continue reading

Brain Fitness: Mental Aerobics

I’ve been talking about Brain Fitness here in the Fitness blog and today, I want to share with you some mental aerobics that you can do in order to warm-up or refresh your mental muscles. You can perform these exercises whenever you are feeling sluggish or need a mental break from work, study or even just the mundane every day activities that we all do. You can do the following exercises in any order and you can do any or all of them as you see fit. Print out a copy of this and keep it somewhere handy if you … Continue reading

Friday Fitness Funnies: Laughter Does a Brain Good

I like to go and look up Fitness funnies every Friday and I try to populate this blog with humorous stories now and then. As it turns out, my reasoning was that humor does a body good, but what humor does the mind good. There are plenty of physicians still debating the merits of humor, but did you know that there is an American Association of Therapeutic Humor? I didn’t. Though I have to admit, the idea that there are physicians and associations out there who take in serious note the fact that humor can be a healing tool brings … Continue reading

Brain Fitness: Learn Something New

Learning something new helps to flex your mind and build your brain fitness up. So here are a few suggestions to help you learn something new: Take a Class Try a new hobby Read books Play games I’d add join the PTA or become a room mom at your school to this list because in the last five weeks, I’ve definitely had my creativity stretched in a variety of ways. But let’s talk about each of these ideas above and how they can help you to learn something new. Take a Class Classes are offered in a variety of places … Continue reading

Brain Fitness: Exercises to Improve It

So we talked about the importance of brain fitness earlier today and we talked about warming up the brain. Now let’s focus on some brain exercises that you can do. These exercises can be performed in any order and pick and choose the ones you like. Tweak Your Memory Skills Have you ever played the game of memory? You spread out 52 to 96 cards face down on to a table. You pick up two and look to see what they are. If they match, you remove them from play and turn over two more. If they don’t match, you … Continue reading

Brain Fitness: Understanding Why We Need It

We’ve talked about brain fitness here before, I don’t think we talk about it enough. But we’ve talked about Brain Age and the fun that can be had with it as well as the benefits it can provide to you. Of course, it never hurts to revisit the issue especially since mental workouts help keep your mind in good working order just like a regular exercise helps to keep your body healthy and limber. A Limber Mind is a Good Thing A flexible and healthy mind is a great benefit to your daily activities and your overall health. There are … Continue reading