Would You Allow Your Teen Daughter to Get a Bikini Wax?

I wouldn’t let my 30-year-old daughter get a bikini wax, but that’s just me. Personally, I don’t think the excruciating pain involved with waxing one’s nether regions is proportionate to the benefits of sporting a smooth bikini line. You may not agree with me, but I know at least two women in New Jersey who do, and they are fighting to protect others from the pain of a “Brazilian” bikini wax, including teenage girls. The women gained the attention of New Jersey’s Board of Cosmetology and Hairstyling after they filed a lawsuit following hospitalization for infections they contracted after getting … Continue reading

The Brazilian Bikini Body Program: 30 Days to a Sexier Body and Mind

This book was recently released by Regina Joseph and, for those of you looking for a change of pace in the diet arena, this is it. This is a guide to losing weight Brazilian style. While it may sound like a great adventure for many of us to embark upon, especially in North America where it is getting colder every day and the snow clouds are winding up in time for Christmas. At the heart of Ms. Joseph’s system is a philosophy of getting around the same old stale diet and exercise that conventional wisdom touts and incorporating some fire … Continue reading