10 Reasons to Be Thankful About Stopping Smoking

It’s been 32 hours since my last cigarette and I’m doing okay. I had the cravings yesterday, at least three times it seemed like I was going to go nuts if I couldn’t get a cigarette, but I did all right – I didn’t give in and I didn’t light one up. Thanks to everyone who sent such kind words of support yesterday. I feel better about it this morning than I did yesterday morning, but I’m also a lot more tired today than I was yesterday and I’m feeling the effects in my sinuses as I’m pretty congested today … Continue reading

Breaking Bad Habits

Most children acquire some bad habits while they are young that as a parent can both concern us and drive us nuts. (See my blog Top 5 Bad Habits of Children.) Usually young children will stop the bad habit as they mature all on their own. By the time they enter school many children have stopped those annoying young child habits. But what if the habit continues? You don’t want your older child sucking their thumb or picking their nose all day. So here are some ideas that you can use to help break your child’s bad habits: 1. Don’t … Continue reading