What if My Baby Can’t Latch?

There’s nothing more frustrating when you’ve chosen to breastfeed than a baby who cannot or will not latch. There are many reasons why a baby can’t latch, some can be corrected and some cannot. Or at least, in my experience they cannot. When my daughter was born, we’d already decided to breastfeed. Our reasoning was as follows: Breastfeeding would be healthier for her. Breastfeeding would be cheaper for us. Breastfeeding would promote the bond between my daughter and I. Breastfeeding meant I wouldn’t have to warm up bottles. Yes, I know – two of those reasons were pretty selfish, but … Continue reading

Breastfeeding: How Long Is Too Long?

You’ve probably laughed at the humorous jabs in movies and sitcoms aimed at the idea of breastfeeding “older” children. But if you are enjoying a breastfeeding relationship with your infant, at some point you will start to consider whether or when you should wean your child. You might be surprised to learn that the worldwide average length of breastfeeding each child is about 4 years. This is because many societies encourage children to continue breastfeeding until they wean themselves. For many nations, this is an economical and nutritional lifesaver for the family as water is often polluted, formula is way … Continue reading

Breastfeeding Baby

There are a lot of myths out there surrounding breastfeeding after the baby is born. Some women believe they will not bond with their baby if they don’t do it. Some feel like a failure if they are unable to nurse their baby whether the problem is related to lactation or the baby simply can’t latch. When my daughter was born, I wanted to breastfeed. I’d spoken to a lactation specialist ahead of time and a nurse assisted me in the hospital. The nurse who helped was a very cool and efficient woman who seemed to be pressed for time … Continue reading