Solutions: Excess Lipase And Sour Breast Milk

Upon discovering that my properly-stored breast milk consistently tasted sour, I talked with other moms and did research to try to solve the mystery of what was making it taste so bad. I discovered that the likely cause was an excess of lipase. Lipase is an enzyme contained in breast milk that breaks fats down into individual fatty acids. Lipase is part of why breast milk is so easily digestible for babies. It’s good that we have lipase in our breast milk. However, too much lipase results in fat being broken down too quickly. (The fat in milk is apparently … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review for Jan 13-19

From breast feeding to formula warning labels to baby massage and acid reflux, this week has been packed with great information and much, more. Let’s take a look at our week in review: Let’s Be Honest About Formula vs. Breast Milk continues a frank and open discussion about the benefits of breast milk and the concerns of mothers every where doing the best for their babies is concerned. The discussion continues in Should Formula Cans Contain Warning Labels? advising mothers that breast milk is better for their babies? The Cost of Breastfeeding Intervention vs. Formula Feeding discusses the issues that … Continue reading

Breastfeeding for the Long Haul: Into the Toddler Years

I had never intended to breast feed my first daughter for as long as I did. I remember the pediatrician advising me at 4mos to start her on cereal. While I’m not advocating that you disregard your pediatrician’s advice–that’s exactly what I did. Something told me that my daughter was not ready for that. So at her six month appointment, my pediatrician and I had a little talk. I told her that I hadn’t given Lizzy cereal. She politely told me I would regret it. It would be too hard on me to keep breastfeeding past 6 months. Formula was … Continue reading

What if My Baby Can’t Latch?

There’s nothing more frustrating when you’ve chosen to breastfeed than a baby who cannot or will not latch. There are many reasons why a baby can’t latch, some can be corrected and some cannot. Or at least, in my experience they cannot. When my daughter was born, we’d already decided to breastfeed. Our reasoning was as follows: Breastfeeding would be healthier for her. Breastfeeding would be cheaper for us. Breastfeeding would promote the bond between my daughter and I. Breastfeeding meant I wouldn’t have to warm up bottles. Yes, I know – two of those reasons were pretty selfish, but … Continue reading