How to Increase Your Milk Supply

If you are worried that your young baby isn’t gaining as much weight as you think he should, or if you don’t feel as though you are producing enough milk, you may want to try some methods to increase your milk supply. Here are some tips. First let me say that sometimes it may seem as though you don’t have enough milk because your baby seems ravenous, when you are actually producing plenty of milk. The constant feeding could be because your baby is going through a growth spurt. Your pediatrician or a lactation consultant should be able to help … Continue reading

Can I Take That and Breastfeed?

I was distressed. I had a 5 week old baby who I was desperately trying to nurse, and I had strep throat. As if that wasn’t bad enough, my doctor was telling me before he’d prescribe me the antibiotics, I had to promise to ‘pump and dump’. If you’re not familiar with the term pump and dump it means to pump your breast milk to maintain production but dump it out so that the baby doesn’t get sick from any medications you’re taking. It is twice as much work and furthermore I knew, that if I bottle fed my little … Continue reading

Setting Up a Nursing Station

Before the baby came, you probably set up the nursery. You likely have a diaper changing station as well. What you may not have thought of however, was the nursing station. If you’re a breastfeeding mom, a nursing station is a place to be comfortable while you spend a good part of your day nursing your newborn. Do you absolutely need a nursing station? Nope. I had honestly never heard of one until I had my twins. But what I have since discovered (thanks to the wisdom of many moms who went before me) is that if you have multiples, … Continue reading

When you Have too Much Milk

Sometimes, women can have too much breast milk. Their bodies produce more than their baby demands and the result is an oversupply that can cause symptoms in both the mother and the baby. It is possible that you have this condition if you experience some of all of the following symptoms: *Breast fullness between feedings *An especially strong sensation of milk letdown *Multiple milk letdowns between feedings *Lots of leaking of breast milk between feedings *Mastitis and/or plugged ducts In addition to your symptoms, your baby may show some or all of these symptoms as well: *Gulps, chokes or sputters … Continue reading

Meghan the Vampire Baby: My Nursing Nightmare

My first two children could’ve been La Leche League poster babies. They latched perfectly, they nursed perfectly. They loved nursing and I loved nursing them. They did exactly what the textbook said they would and except for one bout of thrush with the baby, I had no problems. I solidified my opinion that women who gave up nursing really didn’t want to nurse that badly. Then came my darling Meghan. Meghan did not latch on properly. Meghan did not suck effectively. Meghan did not let go properly either. As far as breastfeeding went, Meghan did nothing right. Overnight, I was … Continue reading