Breastfeeding for the Long Haul: Into the Toddler Years

I had never intended to breast feed my first daughter for as long as I did. I remember the pediatrician advising me at 4mos to start her on cereal. While I’m not advocating that you disregard your pediatrician’s advice–that’s exactly what I did. Something told me that my daughter was not ready for that. So at her six month appointment, my pediatrician and I had a little talk. I told her that I hadn’t given Lizzy cereal. She politely told me I would regret it. It would be too hard on me to keep breastfeeding past 6 months. Formula was … Continue reading

Extended Breastfeeding–Why you Should Breastfeed for a Few Years

When you think of breastfeeding your baby, how long are you thinking you will breastfeed? 6 months? A year? Extended breastfeeding is not very common in the United States, but breast milk is the absolute best nutrition not just for your baby but for your toddler too! Breast milk is a fairly amazing substance. Not only does it supply your child’s complete nutritional needs (and is capable of doing so for the first year of life without any help from solid food) but it is a living substance. It changes properties according to the needs of your child. It is … Continue reading