Use your January Coupons Before they Expire!

The end of the month is a good time to go through your coupons. You might have some that are about to expire at the end of January. You’ve got just a little time left to use them all. Those of you who are planning on going grocery shopping on January 31, 2013, can still use this batch of coupons. sends me email that contains links to their coupons. This one points out “the countdown is on”. You are about to run out of time to use their coupons that will expire at the end of January of 2013. … Continue reading

Healthy Little Freebies to Help You Feel Better

According to many different news articles, yesterday was “Blue Monday”. Some say the grey, awful, weather, combined with shorter days and less sunlight made a lot of people feel especially down yesterday. Others think the “blah” feeling comes from unpaid Christmas bills and the failure of yet another attempt at a New Year’s Resolution. Need a quick little dose of happiness? Here are some healthy little freebies that may help you feel a little bit better. LEVEL Life is giving away a free “Raise Low Blood Sugar Starter Kit”. It comes with a free sample of Fast-Acting Level Life Glucose … Continue reading