The Birth-Order Blues – Joan Drescher

Millicent Brown is a little girl with a journalist bent as evidenced by the fact that she runs her own “newspaper.” While having troubles dealing with her little brother, she is inspired to interview her friends from school about where they fall in their families and how they feel about that. Her friend Kim is the oldest, and Beth falls between Tim and Terry. Ralph is the youngest, and Tony is an only child. Each friend has a different situation. Millicent starts with Kim, and asks her how she likes being the oldest. On the one hand, Kim loves it. … Continue reading


What can bring a mechanic, a computer whiz, a public school teacher, and a CEO together? The Lord can bring these people together. What can bring the most popular girl in high school, the smartest boy in high school, and the shyest girl in high school together? The Lord can bring these people together. What can bring an ex-alcoholic, an ex-convict, and an ex-adulterer together? The Lord can bring these people together. In the world people place themselves in distinct groups. Most groups are based on some sort of commonality between the individuals. Most of the characteristics of these individuals … Continue reading

“Brother for Sale.” Helping Kids Cope with their Sibling’s Disability

What would otherwise be normal sibling rivalry is even more complex between a special needs and a typical child. The child without a disability will experience a wide variety of feelings, all of which are perfectly normal and understandable. As parents, there are some ways to help encourage positive relationships between our children, while also recognizing their different emotional needs. Here are some typical emotions that siblings of special needs children may experience: Resentment: Siblings might resent the extra attention, time, and emotional focus that is directed toward the special needs sibling. They may resent it if they are given … Continue reading