Dealing with Limits in the Economy

Most of us are facing limits these days. From food prices that have soared, to layoffs, to declining stock prices, we are being forced to take a look at limiting the things we can have and the things we can do. Dealing with limits can be difficult, especially if the concept is new to you. But it is important to take stock of your resources as soon as possible, so you know exactly where you stand. if you don’t do that, you may continue to live within the limits you used to have and not the ones that really apply … Continue reading

3 Money Saving Hobbies

Are you looking for a new New Year’s Resolution or just something fun to do? If you resolve to learn a new money saving hobby, you’ll entertain yourself without a big expense plus save additional money or even earn some money! Here are three different money saving hobbies that you might want to consider taking up. They all involve minimal expense or no expense to get started, but they will do a lot to either cut expenses or add to your income. Baking Baking is a great hobby that doesn’t require a lot of initial skill. You can easily bake … Continue reading

Frugal Thanksgiving Fun

Whether you are having a huge Thanksgiving gathering or just your immediate family to dinner, it is fun to have a few Thanksgiving theme activities that you can enjoy. It will help keep everyone occupied when the you are all still waiting for the turkey to finish, create some new memories and just make a festive time. Friends and family don’t often get a chance to get together, so why not make the most of it with some planned but frugal fun? Thanksgiving activities don’t have to cost much or even anything at all. Here is a list of some … Continue reading

How to Garden in a Bad Economy

Let’s face it, the economy is affecting everything, even gardening. In fact, I think it is increasing the prevalence of gardening, as people look to grow their own food, stay close to home and have activities that don’t cost a lot of money. There are many different ways to garden, and some strategies work better than others when the economy is in a downturn. Here are some ideas about keeping the economy in mind when you garden, getting the most out of your garden and adapting your gardening techniques to the current economic situation. Let’s start with the biggest trend, … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: October 27th Through November 2nd

Here is the Frugal Living week in review for October 27th through November 2nd. October 27th Frugal Living Week in Review: October 20th Through October 26th Have you been thinking about Christmas, yet? It is crazy, but the stores all have their decorations, gift items and accessories all in place. I’ve done a bit of Christmas shopping, using some of my favorite secret spots for a bargain. Check out the article posted last week that talks all about it. October 28th 3 Self-Reliant Ways to Be Frugal Doing things for yourself often means that you will also save money. There … Continue reading

How to Have a Frugal Thanksgiving

In terms of frugal living, Thanksgiving isn’t a bad holiday. There are no expensive presents to buy, no fancy decorations to purchase, and anything you do spend on food is usually worth it. Plus you and your guest may walk away with lots of leftovers that will be put to good use feeding you and your family. Still, Thanksgiving is not without its expense. Here are some ways that you can have a frugal Thanksgiving. It is all about making smart choices. Let’s start with the Turkey. While the turkey is usually known as the main event, it is usually … Continue reading

Money Strategies That Worked in Our Marriage

Today I’ll tell you some ways we approached the money issue in marriage. Mick and I always worked out our finances together. There were no secrets, except for the ones around Christmas, anniversary or birthdays. The main thing is to work out a budget and stick to it. But each person should have a little mad money they didn’t have to explain. This can be spent on clothes, saved for gifts, or used for whatever. Shop less regularly for groceries. We grocery shop once a month. Unfortunately fruit and vegetables have to be more often but stick to only that. … Continue reading

Beware of “Aspirational” Marketing

Frugal shoppers are usually savvy shoppers, but even we can become a victim of some well-researched marketing techniques. We find that we “need” things just to survive, but if we really examine those needs, I mean really examine them, we may find that the need is not something directly related to our survival or even happiness. Aspirational marketing is a technique in which the goal is to sell items to people who can’t afford it. I kid you not. The marketers want people who might want to aspire to a different lifestyle but can’t afford it. It is literally convincing … Continue reading

Swapping Out Seasonal Clothing 2

It is that time of year again. I’ve been talking about swapping out the seasonal clothing for my family. When do you do your swap? If you missed the first part of this series, click here: Swapping Out Seasonal Clothing. Now, let’s continue. Winter jacket and snowsuits are done separately from regular clothing. I usually make that a family affair, with everyone trying on different items to see what will work for them. Anything that is too small for the youngest or my only girl gets set aside to be donated. When I get back to the drawers, I sort … Continue reading

Appreciating the Little Things

After a long day for both of us yesterday, my husband came home, and we talked about what happened in each of our lives while we were apart. He shared a story about how he excitedly told a co-worker about a new purchase that we recently made. This purchase was something that we wanted, not needed. And although we got a good deal on it and researched the purchase for more than a year, it was extravagant by our standards. The co-worker sort of looked at him a little bit funny, and he came to realize that this great new … Continue reading