A Unique Way to Make Friends

It’s funny how one things often triggers another. I’ve just posted my first post recently on the home blog about gardens and it made me think of a couple I used to know. This couple had a prolific vegetable garden. They grew far more than what they needed. They did that for a reason. Why? They then used the produce from the garden to give to neighbors. This couple didn’t want to stay unconnected to their neighbors, so they made a visit to the neighbors taking some of the excess vegetables. As a result, over time, they built up a … Continue reading

The Meaning of Marriage – Your Individual Needs

I know a lot of couples that expect that marriage means you don’t do anything unless you are doing it with your spouse. They believe that marriage means that you do everything together and your individual pursuits evaporate because you are married. The truth is, when you marry someone, you create an identity that is larger than both of you. Because it is larger than both of you that means you both maintain a certain degree of your individual lives and pursuits. After all, you had those before you were married and you were both attracted to the items you … Continue reading