Five Ways to Reduce Your Packaging

Excess packaging is everywhere, and it has a hug impact. Just for one day, keep track of the amount of packaging you generate. Weekends are probably worse than weekdays. If you can fill a box in a couple of days of regular living, with all of your packaging, I wouldn’t be surprised. Reducing that packaging takes a little forethought, but it isn’t as hard to do as it might first seem to be. 1. Go for non-processed. Non-processed foods generally have little to no packaging. Think about produce, for example. Stay away from “bagged apples” for example and bring your … Continue reading

Tip: Buy produce in bulk

In my ongoing quest to find the cheapest sources of organic produce, I made a few discoveries in the past month. I think we all know that buying in bulk can often be a great way to save some bucks. But we don’t typically think of that principle working for produce, do we? Think again! I recently started going to The City Market in Kansas City. Read more about that in my recent blog post: Produce Brokers. This is the type of place where you can do a little bit of negotiating. So here’s where the bulk buying came into … Continue reading

Do Large Families Save Money Buying in Bulk?

There is a great debate taking place in regards to bulk purchasing foods. With the crop up of bulk warehouses everywhere, it seems like the thing to do. But people are beginning to ask if it truly saves you money in the long run. I am not here to debate whether it does or does not, however, I am here to share with you how it can truly benefit a large family. Bulk buying is difficult sometimes, because of storage; the boxes, containers and other packaging methods are large and bulky. This can be solved by purchasing shelf units for … Continue reading

Is Bigger Always Better?

If you think you are getting a deal with those large sized packages, you better check again. Sometimes smaller packages offer better deals. When Bigger Sizes Don’t Pay Most of the time, buying groceries and other items in bulk or in a larger size is usually a pretty frugal idea. But there are also quite a number of times when buying smaller is better. Here is what I mean: When you have a coupon. If you have a coupon, or even better, multiple copies of a coupon, it usually pays to apply it to the lowest priced item that you … Continue reading

The Frugal Baby: Disposable Diapers And Buying in Bulk

In this second article in the series about saving the most money you can on disposable diapers, I’ll share some one of the secrets that I have learned about frugal diapers. I’m putting my third child through diapers now, and believe me there is a lot I have learned since the time my first child was going through them. In the very beginning, there were times when I thought that it would be easier to just wrap his little bottom with dollar bills. In the first part of the series, I shared how being flexible can help save money. I … Continue reading