Six Ways to Deal With a Hyperactive Child

Children with ADHD, Autism, or various neurological disorders often have frustrating bouts of hyperactivity. Some children have such high energy levels mixed with defiance or impulsivity that they can’t focus properly at school or maintain friendships. I’m convinced that these kids can benefit enormously from medication. (Read my blog, “ADHD and the Maddening Missing Meds.” ) But some children may not require medication, and only need some parental guidance to regain control. Here are six ways you can help a hyperactive child: 1. Channel the energy. A child with endless amounts of energy, who is bounding up and down the … Continue reading

More great sleep habits

Following on from Choosing better sleep habits, we look at more ways to ensure that you get a good night’s sleep. Given the important role of sleep on our mental health and physical performance, it makes to sense to take care of our bodies both by day and night. Try these tips for a better night life. 1. Light exercise such as walking or yoga will help to reduce body tension and encourage a full night’s sleep. Avoid heavy exercise as this has a tendency to actually wake the body up and re-set the body’s internal clock. In either case, … Continue reading

Doing Nothing? Good!

We are always on the run. My sister-in-law, for example, a mother of two and a new homeowner works 45 hours a week, takes care of an active six going on seven year old and ten-month old as well as trying to finish her bachelor’s degree. She’s always on the go and she keeps trying to squeeze her fitness schedule into this day long run fest – but part of fitness is taking good care of yourself and that can mean instead of being on the go, you take time to take things slow. Appreciate the Importance of Doing Nothing … Continue reading

Infertility and Fitness: What’s the Connection?

Infertility is an issue that millions of couples struggle with. Fitness is not a cure for infertility, but there is a relationship between how much exercise and the type of exercise you do and a couple’s ability to conceive. Still the causes of infertility are varied and the treatments are equally varied. Exercise helps couples struggling with infertility because it can help lower their stress and boost their overall health. While it cannot resolve the infertility issues — there are some things that can help both men and women. For Men: Avoid wearing tight fitting shorts or briefs. When men … Continue reading

It’s Tough Being ME

Do you ever have those days where you’d just like to sink into bed, pull the covers over your head and hide? I’m having one now. I just got rejected from a literary agent. This was it, my chance to obtain representation, but with one swift e-mail I was barred from hope. Now I’m pouting. My kids are in the next room and I need to go play with them, and then get dinner started. And I will. But sometimes it’s just plain tough to be a parent. So what do you do when it gets tough? What do you … Continue reading

Seven Goals for Good Mental Health

Feeling less positive than you’d like? Lost that spring in your step and the joy of living? Is depression and anxiety starting to encroach on your day-today life? It could be time for a mental and physical tune-up! 1. Get Moving Our bodies weren’t designed to sit around all day, so even if you have an office job take time out to stretch and walk around. The more we exercise, the more our bodies produce feel-good endorphins, chemicals that make us feel great to be alive. The exercise doesn’t have to be exhaustive: just a daily walk of 30 minutes … Continue reading

Me Time

In the majority of parenting resources, one expert or another always includes the notation that we parent’s need to have some relaxing time to ourselves in order to be more effective parents and happy people in general (what I think they really mean is to keep our sanity!). When reading this sage advice, I have often thought to myself-“I don’t even have time to breathe let alone carve out a few hours of me time.” However, on the rare occasion that I do something just for myself, I always come away feeling rejuvenated. I like to envision my next break … Continue reading

Relax – You’re Healthier than You Think

There are a lot of things we do in our daily lives that are healthier than we think they are. In fact, remember when we talked about the fact that chocolate was better for you than we’d previously thought? Well the next little list should make your day – it definitely made mine. Here are three ways that you make your life healthier. Coffee Drinkers Rejoice Does the cashier at Starbuck’s greet you by name? (They do me!) If you drink three eight-ounce cups of coffee every day, you are slashing your risk for Alzheimer and Parkinson’s diseases by 20 … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge: Day 28 – Crash & Rest Day

Welcome to the last rest day of the 30-Day Challenge. It will not be the last of your crash and rest days. No matter what fitness program you dive into in the coming weeks, you need to make sure you take sufficient downtime to let your muscles repair and heal. These are the days that let you rebuild your muscle tone and restore your energy levels. Without this downtime, you can do yourself personal injury. You are also more likely to give up your workout program when you do not take the time to rest, relax and rejuvenate. Take the … Continue reading

Metabolism Mastery

Do you understand exactly how your metabolism works? Do you know how it revs up after a weight-training session? Do you know how long that extra burn lasts? Do you understand how your metabolism benefits from cardio workouts? The importance of your metabolism in strength training, fitness and weight loss is vital. When you strength train and sufficiently create overload – there is micro trauma created inside your muscles. This trauma means it tears down and your body will need to heal the damage. The energy required to rebuild your muscles utilizes many resources available within your body. For example, … Continue reading