Fitness Review : Crunch – Fat Burning Dance Party

The Crunch Fitness DVD series offers a lot of different types of exercise for all types whether you are looking for a straight up toning workout, a cardio workout or, as is the case for the Fat Burning Dance Party – a fun workout. I’ll state it straight out that Crunch Fat Burning Dance Party is for the beginner or someone looking more to just get up and move than someone who’s been working out readily or steadily for more than six months. Your intermediate to advanced exerciser is not likely to get much out of this workout. 3 Sneakers … Continue reading

Exercise = Weight Loss, Right?

Over in the Weight Loss Blog, Catherine is doing a great job in her diary detailing her weight loss efforts. If you haven’t checked it out, you should. Her stories are inspiring, to say the least. In the meanwhile, in conjunction with her efforts, I want to talk about the fact that in most diet and weight loss plans, an exercise component is vital to help you lose weight. We’ve talked about this before here in the Fitness blog, specifically the idea that if you burn 500 calories per day for a total of 3500 calories burned per week above … Continue reading