Don’t Step on a Bee Day (Or, In Murphy’s Case, Eat Them)

Today is Don’t Step on a Bee Day. You might recall a blog I wrote called Insect Inspector: Murphy’s “Bumble Rumble”. If not, this was the gist: Murph knows bees as bumbles and takes great pleasure in chasing them. Well, when I stumbled across Don’t Step on a Bee Day while compiling my list of July daily, weekly, and monthly celebrations I laughed and couldn’t help but think of Murphy. I thought I might have to write about it, so I made a note of it on my list of topics and sort of forgot about it. Until today. And … Continue reading

Keeping Your E-mail Addresses Current

It is becoming increasingly “standard practice” for more and more businesses to do a lion’s share of their marketing over e-mail. This means that a small home business owner needs to learn how to manage distribution lists—including acquiring them, keeping them accurate, and learning how to NOT abuse those e-mail addresses. One thing you will find early on is that every time you send out a group or broadcast e-mail, you are likely to get several “bounces”—unless you manage and respond to those bounces, your e-mail marketing can quickly become inefficient and obsolete. When you get an e-mail bounce, that … Continue reading