Coming Up with a Company Description

You might know how you think of your business or what it is all about, but others don’t. If you are putting together a business plan, or trying to get funding support, or just trying to do some marketing–having a good description of what your company is about (as well as who is involved) will be imperative. So, what should a company description look like? You don’t want your company description to be confusing and convoluted, but you need to say more than just the name of your business and your web site. An “official” company description should include the … Continue reading

Setting Some Parameters

In addition to planning and budgeting for a home-based business, it can be helpful to set some parameters for your business. By establishing limits or boundaries to what your business is or is not—as well as how your business fits into your home and family life, you can avoid some problems and struggles that might pop up. Having a home business is, by nature, a boundary challenge to home and family life. Where does our work world begin and end and how does it lap over into family life? Setting these parameters can be very basic and literal, or it … Continue reading

How Much Planning Before You Open Your Doors?

Some of us fall into our home businesses, others of us spend a long time researching and planning before we ever take the plunge into entrepreneurialism and the home business world. What is optimal? How much planning should a person put into getting all the ducks in a row before hanging up the shingle and letting everyone know that he or she is open for business? At the very least, a person starting a home-based business should look ahead a year and develop an expense budget and a business plan. Just the process of working on a business plan can … Continue reading

Trying to Track Cause and Effect

In my many years spent working in fundraising and nonprofit management, people were always trying to find reasons and predict why certain fundraisers or events did well and others didn’t. There were always so many variables that sometimes we could come up with some pretty good guesses, and other times we could only wonder at why people either turned out or didn’t, or we made money or didn’t. The same thing can happen in our home businesses—as we work to try to figure out what is working and what is not. Sometimes, things completely out of our control can have … Continue reading