Gearing Up for a Business Trip

I go into serious organizational mode in the final week and days before a business trip. While the weeks leading up to the trip are likely spent on work-related details and putting together a conference or project—those final days and hours are spent on all sorts of details like stocking and organizing the cupboards, cleaning out my e-mail in and out boxes, and making sure all the laundry is done. There is just something about the pending trip that pushes me to try to get everything in the best possible order I can muster. I have a couple theories as … Continue reading

Before You Leave the House, I

Don’t let the fear that you left the coffeemaker on or left the back door unlocked spoil your vacation or make your business trip stressful. Make a checklist and plan for your home the same way you plan for your trip. Think of all the things that you tend to worry about while you’re away and write them all down. Check off each item before you lock up and head for your car or taxi. The following list is a good start, and you can add other items as you think of them: 1. Turn off small appliances and unplug … Continue reading