When Love is Fading

Do you remember the joy and excitement when you first fell in love? Remember how you couldn’t stop thinking about the other person and wanting to talk about them to anyone who’d listen and even those that didn’t. You just wanted an excuse to hear their name. You wanted to hear their voice on the other end of the phone, to see them and spend all your time with them. You couldn’t wait for the day you’d be married and have more time to spend together. And then you married and it’s all great for a while. Then reality and … Continue reading

Getting the Balance Right

One of the biggest problems Christians face is getting the balance right. What do I mean by that? A criticism leveled at Christians from those outside the church is that Christians don’t appear to live what they believe. Their words or professions and actions don’t match up. Of course, there are those who then go to the other extreme. They think that just by living the Christian life, they won’t have to say anything. It will be obvious to friends and neighbors that you live as you do, behave as you do and make the decisions you do because you … Continue reading

What’s in a Day?

Some days are so crowded we can wish we had more hours in a day. But wishing won’t achieve anything. The truth is each of us has the same amount – 24 hours. Nor more and no less. Nothing we wish for or do will change that. Our days are usually made up of work, either paid or unpaid, sleep, household chores, shopping and family tasks, and then we need time for building and maintaining relationships, hobbies, social life and just plain relaxing. Add to all these things that take up our time, the unexpected. That visit to the Drs … Continue reading

What Are Your Priorities?

Is there a difference between making New Year’s resolutions and setting priorities for the year? I believe there is. The first, is usually made with the idea that it is more wishful thinking than anything else and New Year’s resolutions, more often than not, are broken. The second, requires an act of will and really looking at your life, where it is headed, what you want to achieve and sitting down to set those goals and priorities. How many times have you heard someone say they wished there were more hours in a day? Perhaps you have even said it … Continue reading

Sorry God, I’m Just Too Busy

I can’t be the only one who feels this way from time to time? Sometimes I feel in somewhat of a robotic mode trying to get this or that accomplished and there just doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day. Sadly the things that seem to be of most importance are often put on hold: family being a big one, but most importantly God, the giver of family, life, and even our abilities. I don’t know that we were designed to take on as much as we do sometimes. I wonder if the result of taking on more … Continue reading

Parents- Do you Suffer From Routine Panic?

Are you a victim of “routine panic?” What the heck is routine panic, you ask? Routine panic is what happens when we live an overcommitted, fast-paced existence. Many of today’s parents suffer from routine panic, whether they realize it or not. In Focus on Your Child, it was pointed out that the result of being too busy has devastating effects on our children. Over time, we become isolated from the ones we love and our child end up being the ones who suffer the most. The article also notes three trends concerning being too committed. (1) According to Robert Putnam, … Continue reading