Shopping with Your Spouse

Do you and your spouse shop together for clothes? Or do you simply go and buy your spouse’s clothes? Or do they go on their own and buy clothes? I’ve heard of women who want to buy all the clothes for their man without any input from him. Their attitude seems to be ‘what he would know about what looks good on him. I’ll tell him what looks good.’ Such an attitude undermines him and refuses to allow him to think for himself. The reverse would also be true if the husband went shopping for the wife and chose all … Continue reading

Buying Gifts for In-Laws

When it comes to buying gifts for in-laws, it invariably gets left to the woman to do the gift buying. This can be fine if she has a good relationship with them and knows what they like. If she does not, it can be disastrous. There is nothing harder that trying to buy a gift for someone when you don’t know what they like. Often you don’t know what they like, so you wander around the shops. But it’s near to impossible to know what to buy if you haven’t got a clue what you’re looking for. You can spend … Continue reading

The Wrong Excuse for a Gift?

It’s Father’s Day in Australia tomorrow. Someone asked me what I’d bought for Mick for Father’s Day. ‘Nothing,’ I replied. ‘He’s not my father.’ If my father was still alive I would certainly buy him a gift and our son and daughter buy a gift for Mick, but we have never held to the view that the husband buys presents for their wife on Mother’s Day or the wife buys presents for the husband on Father’s Day. After all it’s not husband’s or wive’s day. In fact I think the whole thing is quite absurd and a ploy by companies … Continue reading