The Dirty Diaper and Your Child’s Health

According to a New York Times article, “In a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, researchers led by Anita Kozyrskyj found that babies born by C-Section vaginally, and that infants who were breast-fed had a different recipe of bacteria in their guts than those who were given formula.” And when it comes to health, specifically digestive heath and the immune system, it is the bacteria, or bugs, that count. Studies have long shown that children who have been delivered by C-Section have greater risks of certain illnesses, such as asthma, diabetes and obesity, as do children who were … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: September 22nd Through September 28th

Here is the week in review for September 22nd through September 28th. September 22nd Having a Clean Home Might Be Bad for Your Baby Did you go through a period of nesting before the birth of your baby? Where you frantically cleaning and organizing? Most of us go through that time, close to birth, where we want to make sure that we are prepared and that everything is ready for our new little one. Baby Blog Week in Review: September 15th Through September 21st September 23rd The Link Between C-Sections and Childhood Asthma Did you deliver your baby by c-section? … Continue reading

The Link Between C-Sections and Childhood Asthma

Did you deliver your baby by c-section? If so, your little one may have a higher risk of developing asthma than a child who was delivered vaginally. This is according to a study published this summer in the July 2008 issue of The Journal of Pediatrics. The study took a look babies born in Norway between the years of 1967 and 1998 and then followed up with those same children through the age of 18 or the year 2002, which ever came first. The researchers found that those children who were born through a c-section had a 52 percent increased … Continue reading

What is Placenta Previa?

Placenta Previa is a condition in which the placenta lies low in the uterus. It can be near, or even covering, the cervix. When the cervix is entirely covered by the placenta, it is known as complete previa. Placenta previa is often diagnosed during ultrasound. The severity of the diagnosis varies. In some cases, when it is found in early pregnancy, the placenta may move upward and away from the cervix as the pregnancy progresses. In this instance, the condition isn’t serious. The later in the pregnancy the condition is found, the less likely it will move. About ten percent … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Elective Cesareans

Could we assume for a moment that an elective cesarean is in the same category as a nose-job or a face lift? All three are typically unnecessary surgeries that nonetheless carry all the risk of any surgery, and yet the instance of c-sections is on the rise in America. In fact, between the years 1994 and 2001, it rose eight percent and then by 2004, it rose at least eight percent again! If we put elective c-section in the same category as cosmetic surgery, we would have to understand that many people do unnecessary things to their body. There is … Continue reading

Recovering from a C Section

Most c sections aren’t planned and you may be surprised at the recovery period. Keep in mind that a c section is major surgery and give your body the time it needs to heal. It takes about six weeks to feel better after the c section. Don’t try to do too much too fast and follow your doctor’s instructions. In the hospital, take the pain medications you are offered. Don’t try to be brave and deal with the pain. You just had surgery. There are medications that are safe for breastfeeding mothers. Make sure your doctor knows you are nursing, … Continue reading

A Mother’s Day Present

Six years ago, on a Thursday morning, my wife and I went to have a sonogram, and to see if our first-born would be able to be turned. Her head was up and we tried everything to get her to turn around: special exercises, movement, and one “remedy” which involved my wife lying on an ironing board at a 45-degree angle and putting a boom box with loud, drum-based music blaring right on her belly. None of these worked, of course. The main problem was that there was very little amniotic fluid. The sonogram doctor recommended that we go head … Continue reading

Avoiding a C Section

With the rates of caesarean sections increasing, many women are naturally concerned about needing one. Although some are medically necessary, others can be avoided. If you want to avoid a c section, there are some things you can do before and during labor. The most important factor in your risk of needing a c section is the practitioner you choose for your birth. Some doctors have higher rates than others. If you have a midwife for your delivery, you have a lower risk of having a c section. In many cases, having a doula present at your birth can reduce … Continue reading