Increase Your Kitchen’s Value for Under $100!

Improving your home makes a lot of sense. Your home is not only the place you live, but chances are, it is also your biggest investment. While you might think that economically this isn’t the best time to make home improvements, the fact is that you can increase the value of your home by spending just a few dollars. In fact, the following ideas will all cost you less than $100, while increasing your home’s value for much more than that. At that price, how could you not improve your home? Still not convinced? Consider that all of these ideas … Continue reading

Painting Kitchen Cabinets 2

If you missed the previous article, click here: Painting Kitchen Cabinets. Earlier, I talked about how to prep your kitchen cabinets before painting them. Now let’s get into the nitty gritty about selecting paint, using a roller or a brush, creating a smooth finish and then dressing up the doors and drawers. The kitchen is the most used room in the house. That is why it is so important to achieve the best possible finish on your cabinets. I’ve already mentioned the importance of getting 100 percent acrylic paint that is good quality. Why? Because paint that contains vinyl just … Continue reading

Painting Kitchen Cabinets

Do you know what you should do when painting kitchen cabinets? For example, there is a very good reason why using certain cleaners, such as Windex, is a bad idea when cleaning the surfaces before painting them. I wish I would have known that before I cleaned our base board heating covers with Windex before we painted them. Here are the basics that you need to know before you paint those kitchen cabinets. The first thing that you want to do is to remove all of the drawers and doors from the cabinets. Then remove all of the hardware. Next, … Continue reading

5 Kitchen Cabinet Materials

If you don’t know where to start when considering a remodel of your kitchen cabinets, you’ll love this article. It is all about the five different materials you can use to create your kitchen cabinets. You are no longer just limited to wood (although we’ll cover that, too), instead check out all of your options in these five different materials before you design your dream kitchen. Today’s kitchen cabinetry comes in a wide variety of options to suit anyone’s tastes and budget. Here is a quick description of the options in kitchen cabinet materials. You’ll be surprised by all of … Continue reading

Make Lunch-making Easier

Don’t you just hate it when you’re about to walk out the door and suddenly you remember that one or all of your kids need lunch? While we usually try to handle this kind of stuff ahead of time, sometimes the time just gets away from us. As we’re signing papers and putting up ponytails, finding jackets and zipping backpacks, we realize that lunches need to be made and the bus will arrive (or we need to be in the car) in a matter of minutes. Of course, making lunches the night before is a great strategy when you have … Continue reading

Purging Your Kitchen Cupboards

Hopefully, my previous blog, “Refrigerator Reminders” inspired to you to survey your refrigerator and purge the items that could be potential health hazards (like fermented salsa). Personally, my own salsa incident fueled a major overhaul of the places I keep other food items–primarily the pantry and kitchen cabinets. The following are tips to help you weed out the bad and perhaps, revive the current food items sitting in your kitchen cupboards: Baking Powder and Baking Soda Toss: After 12 to 18 months or expiration on box Tip: Store in an airtight container. Don’t use wet utensils to scoop out contents. … Continue reading

Cleaning: Little Jobs for Little People

We already talked about the fact that small children like to help around the house. In fact, it makes them feel important and included. Unfortunately, there are times when it’s easier to do the work yourself than it is to try to teach or help your little one do tackle a project. Since I’ve been dealing with these same issues, I decided to make a list of projects little ones can handle without much supervision. I already mentioned folding towels and setting the table, but here are a few more options: Washing Cabinets This is a great job for little … Continue reading

Organization: Small Space Organizers

One of the greatest challenges homeowners face is finding places to put away all the stuff that accumulates over time, without making the home look and feel cluttered. There is good news. Today, there are so many home organization products available, that there is a solution for even the smallest spaces. You can use most of these items to shape up your home in no time. Many of them can simply be placed in a cabinet or other small space with little or no assembly. Check out some of these simple solutions: Cabinet Dividers Dividers resemble a standing dish drain … Continue reading