Theory of Mind – Does Your Child Grasp it?

In order for a child to have meaningful interactions with other human beings, to empathize, to relate, and to share, he or she must have a working “theory of mind.” When a child has “theory of mind” difficulties, he or she is likely to have severe deficits in communication both verbally and non-verbally. I believe it is important for parents to understand this concept as they help their children improve communication and socialization skills. What is “Theory of Mind?” The basic principles of theory of mind are these: I have a mind that thinks, forms opinions, and has feelings. Unlike … Continue reading

The Call to Action

In the world of marketing and advertising there is a little something called the “call to action.” Basically, what this means is that any advertising, promotional items, or marketing materials you produce should have a call to action for the prospective customer—you want them to do something. There needs to be something for them to do, or someplace for them to go—in order to find out more about your product or services. So, I’ll bet you’re thinking that call to action is really to make a purchase. Well, ultimately, yes, that might be the case. Ultimately, you want the individual … Continue reading