Let’s Talk Calories – The Bagel

Do you consider the calories in what you eat? Do you have any idea how many calories you may be consuming? When you stop and count the calories you may just be surprised. Many people trying to lose weight don’t realize that the serving sizes they are having are more than one serving and the calories involved are multiplied. If you’ve read my blogs for any period of time, you know that it isn’t about the calories for me. It is really about the starch. (The bane of my existence!) Although I tend to focus on starch and sleep, weight … Continue reading

What are You Thinking (with what you’re drinking)?

What are You Thinking (with what you’re drinking)? Many people just don’t realize the amount of extra calories they are consuming in the form of beverages. We often wonder why the numbers on the scale simply don’t change even though we’re eating much less. What we don’t realize is that we’re often replacing food calories with liquid calories, and liquid calories can be much more dense, quickly consumed and unhealthy than those we might chew. Following is a list of beverages including soft drinks and fruit juices. Take a look at them and think about how many servings you might … Continue reading

Not the Fat but the Carbs!

Gary Taubes has written a new book entitled Good Calories, Bad Calories: Challenging the Conventional Wisdom on Diet, Weight Control, and Disease . He does indeed challenge the conventional wisdom. He contends that it isn’t fat making Americans fat and causing cancer, heart disease and other terminal ailments but it is refined carbohydrates. I am inclined to agree with him. Ever since American started eating fat-free foods (which happen to have even more carbs than the fat containing versions), they’ve been gaining even more weight! Needless to say, Taubes’ position is pretty controversial. Unlike the doctors, dietitians and nutritionists of … Continue reading


Well, this is just a fantastic idea if you ask me! Terry Dunkle, founder and CEO of Diet Power, Inc. has launched www.DonateYourCalories.com. This website will take into consideration your age, height, current weight, goal weight and target date and tell you how much money you will save every month by cutting your calories to reach your goal. Of course, the website is DonateYourCalories.com, not SaveYourCalories.com. Rather than suggesting that you save that money for Mexican vacation, they suggest a charity that will feed hungry children. The whole idea is to use the money you would spend to overeat on … Continue reading

C is for Calorie

What is a calorie? Do you know what a calorie is? It’s a unit of energy. It’s the energy that exists in food and that our bodies in turn utilize. Ultimately, a calorie is determined to be the amount of heat that is required to heat 1 kilogram of water 1 degree Celsius. So if you have 240 calories in something, that’s enough energy to heat 1 kilogram of water to 240 degrees Celsius and that’s pretty hot, right? Calories Are Important Whether you care that there are 710 calories in a double cheeseburger or not, calories are a part … Continue reading

Fitness Tips: Too Few Calories Can Be a Problem

I hate Catch-22s and when it comes to fitness and weight loss, you find a lot of catch-22s. One of these catch-22s is that while eating less may seem to constitute a result of weight loss – too few calories can actually be a problem for anyone who is looking to shape up or lose weight. When you cut back on calories too much, your body is biologically programmed to protect itself from various environmental conditions including starvation. So when you don’t eat enough, your body goes into starvation mode. When your body does this, it begins hording every calorie … Continue reading

A Type II Diabetes Journey: Been There, Done That, Can’t Fit into the T-Shirt

I’ve been overweight for about a dozen years. Like most people, I’ve tried just about everything. Some diets have been successful in the short run; others have been complete disasters. Does anyone remember the Pasta Diet? I gained six pounds in two weeks with that. I tried the meal replacement shakes. Ended up so sick the doc wanted to put me in the hospital. I just couldn’t stick with Atkins, and the pounds I did lose came right back on. The only diet that ever really worked was the Healthy Liver Diet, and my family refused to stay on it. … Continue reading

There Went My Reason

You know the moment I typed that title, I actually looked to the right as though I could honestly see my reason trotting off into the sunset with a snicker, a giggle and a guffaw. What has me doing this? Well, if you caught the Early Show the other day, you’d know that there’s a new line of thinking out there – diet sodas, the ones we can drink because they have 0 calories – are actually helping people to gain weight rather than helping them to lose weight. Excuse Me, I Need to Bang My Head on the Wall … Continue reading

Thanksgiving Feasts And Your Health—Adding It All Up

Happy Thanksgiving! Whether your turkeys and pumpkin pies are in the oven or half way to your thighs—I hope your holiday feast is (or was) a memorable one. Let’s face it; Thanksgiving is not a day one wants to start a diet. In fact, I think there is an unwritten holiday rule, which states that overeating is a prerequisite on Thanksgiving. (Personally, I eat whatever I want and as much as I want and then run a few extra miles the next day.) There’s little doubt that most people indulge on Thanksgiving, but do you really know how many calories … Continue reading

Using a Calorie Burned Calculator

You would be amazed at how many calories you can burn in a single day. Many of the things we do day in and day out, burn excessive calories but to have a full understanding of the amount of calories burned, you could use any online calorie burned calculator. Remember, to lose weight, you must consume fewer calories than the body is consuming. In most cases, experts will advise you that to lose weight, you should set a goal to cut back 500 calories a day. In other words, if you typically eat around 2,500 to 2,000 calories in a … Continue reading