The Can-Opener? Wherever Did It Come From?

Did you ever wonder how people opened cans before there were can openers? While considering that, were you ever curious about who the bright eyed guy or gal was who thought up the idea of cans? Well, wonder no more. Check out some of these facts below. There’s no treasure hidden beneath them, but you may impress most of your friends and probably none of your relatives with this new information. Here’s the scoop for those who dare to read on. The very first practical can opener (as opposed to the others that came before and were impractical), was developed … Continue reading

The Hands Free Can Opener: Use Your Feet!

Whoever heard of a can opener that didn’t need hands to open it? The next thing you know they will invent a can opener that doesn’t need a can! Seriously though, convenience has gone amuck with this new appliance, proving that moderation is fine in all things except moderation. This new appliance requires some close scrutiny. (Look, but do not touch!) This can opener is guaranteed to make you feel like a circus performer! No kidding! You can open a can, clean a counter, talk on the phone, and maybe even figure out a way to ride a horse or … Continue reading

Product Review—Kitchen Gadgets

I wouldn’t consider myself a snoop, but I do enjoy “exploring” other people’s homes (while they are present, of course). Last week my daughter’s playgroup was held at the home of our newest “mom member.” Since I had never been to her house I was naturally curious about what goodies were inside. I don’t mean to sound like a thief targeting my next hit–I’m merely interested in discovering new decorating ideas or interesting household gadgets that I might consider adding to my own home. My visit to “New Mom’s” house was the inspiration for this blog. She graciously let me … Continue reading