Do I Have A Scarlet C?

I have noticed that since I got the cancer diagnosis that people see the cancer diagnosis and not just plain me. Unless I have my shirt off you can’t see the changes that cancer has done to me so what is it about me that has changed so much that people change how they treat me? How can I convince people that I am much more than a cancer diagnosis, a source for cancer information? How do I get people to see beyond the diagnosis and just see me? Don’t get me wrong if I find out about people that … Continue reading

Another Suggestion How to Help

When you have a family member or friend who is going through treatments you may think that when the chemo lines are removed or the radiation is done for the day that your loved one should feel back to normal. Reality is the treatment takes a lot out of you and it takes a while to get back to normal. The normal that cancer patients have may never be back to what it was before they heard the cancer diagnosis. As I mentioned in a previous blog I was told that when you get the cancer diagnosis it is like … Continue reading

When you get the Diagnosis

If you know anything about me you will know that I am very upfront and open about my breast cancer. That is totally different than when I was first diagnosed. I did not want people to know that I had been diagnosed with breast cancer. I felt almost ashamed that my “girls” had betrayed me. When others told people that I had breast cancer I actually got upset. I think the reason I was so upset was that I could not come to terms that my “girls” had betrayed me, and now when people looked at my “girls” all they … Continue reading