How You Can Fight Breast Cancer

You are the expert when it comes to your breasts. You have the power to make choices that can protect you against breast cancer. Here are some things you can do to fight breast cancer on a personal level and on a global level! Educate yourself. Breast cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in women — right behind non-melanoma skin cancer. Many women have no risk factors besides being female and aging. Keep up with the latest news and statistics from Susan G. Komen for the Cure ( and the American Cancer Society ( Help educate others! Spread … Continue reading

Circadian Rhythms

Humans are designed on a circadian rhythm — the internal cycle that includes the tendency to sleep when it is dark and wake up when the sun comes up. The circadian rhythm also governs the flow of hormones, temperature fluctuations, and other things we may not consciously notice about our bodies. At night — in the dark — is when melatonin comes out to play in our bodies. Research shows that melatonin is one of the body’s most powerful cancer fighters! All cells, including cancerous cells, have melatonin receptors. When melatonin latches on to a cell, it slows cell division … Continue reading