BPA: Harder to Avoid Than Originally Thought?

You have probably heard about BPA (bisphenol A) and how some believe it is bad for our health. BPA is an industrial chemical used to make plastics. In 2002 alone, there was 2.8 million tons of BPA produced, so there is a lot of it out there. You have probably heard experts warn not to reuse your water bottles, choose BPA-free plastic baby bottles, don’t microwave polycarbonate plastic food containers (use glass instead), and just plain avoid any plastic that has the No. 7 recycling label because it is made with BPA. Right now, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) … Continue reading

A Can-Do Event

My mom just sent me pictures of a recent event she attended with my grandmother in Hawaii. It was a show meant to raise awareness of hunger issues, but done so in a non-traditional sort of way. Architects and engineers gathered in Honolulu… and in more than 75 other cities around the country (such as New York and Chicago) for “Canstruction 2006” where they designed and built giant sculptures made from canned goods. In Hawaii one group of local architects built a massive “spamburger” out of 1100 unopened cans of SPAM. Meanwhile, this year’s top winners in New York included … Continue reading