A Problem Invention and a Favorite

‘Easy open,’the can says. Yeah right! What sadist invented these ring pull cans? I cannot believe I am the only person on the planet that has trouble with the supposedly easy open ring pull cans. In fact I know I’m not as I have seen others end up in the same situation, which makes me feel better. Each time I attempt a ring pull can, I either end up looking at the ruing pull in one hand and the can in the other entirely separate. Or a can I still can’t get open. If he is around I usually hand … Continue reading

More Uses for Cans 2

In reply to a reader request, here are more uses for cans. This is part two of a two-part series. Flatten soda cans and turn them into bats by painting the cans and adding cardboard wings. In fact, there are so many different animal crafts that you can make with crushed cans with a little bit of paint and a little bit of imagination. Make a beer can roof. This is a great idea for the truly frugal. Collect beer and soda cans from friends and neighbors. See the instructions for the roof right here: Beer Can Roof Punch drainage … Continue reading

More Uses for Cans

Recently, I received an e-mail from a reader who asks about reusing aluminum and other food cans. She always gets a good deal on canned food, so she uses quite a bit of it. After emptying the cans, she washes them out and stacks them in her pantry. “The cans are taking over my kitchen,” she writes. “Is there something I can do with the cans, other than recycling them?” A while back, I did post an article on reusing tin cans. Since then, I’ve found some more ideas. Of course, you can always recycle the cans, but isn’t it … Continue reading

Dozens of Uses for Coffee Cans (2)

In the previous article, Dozens of Uses for Coffee Cans (1) , I explained that we were having a garage sale, and that while cleaning out our basement I came across a plethora of household items that are reusable. One of those items is the dozens of coffee cans I guess I thought I needed to keep. After donating a huge supply of them to a local preschool I began brainstorming other ways to use them. Here are some awesome ideas: Baking You can place bread batter in a tin coffee can (note: plastic will NOT work and will melt … Continue reading

Dozens of Uses for Coffee Cans (1)

As we are anxiously preparing for a fall garage sale in a week, we are literally finding dozens of items that we completely forgot we had. Apparently we are more a group of pack rats than I thought. Amongst useless furniture, baby items and lots of outgrown toys, we also came across a few “treasures” that we had forgotten we had. Many disposable items that we decided to keep to use for other things such as butter tubs, milk cartons, cans, lost socks, egg cartons and torn clothing. Sure, some is making it’s way right into the trash can as … Continue reading

Cheap Soda

If you purchase soda for a holiday weekend, picnic, party, road trip, or just for drinking at home, you know how quickly it adds up. It’s often cheaper to purchase two- liter bottles than it is to purchase smaller bottles or cans. If you plan to use the soda at home or at a picnic or party location, two liters may be the most economical option. These days, a 20-ounce bottle of pop often goes for more than a two-liter bottle, especially if you purchase it cold at a gas station or a convenience store. If you’re heading out for … Continue reading