Summer Ab Care

Summer time makes us more aware of our abdominals than anything else. After all, there’s nothing like bathing suit season to make you aware of the softness around your belly or the extra flab. You might be thinking since it’s mid-summer, it’s too late to get started. Let’s change that way of thinking, there’s never a too late to get started and here are 4 tips that you can use right now to help improve your abs and maybe even reduce some flab or at least firm it up so you feel better. Eat Smart Nutrition is the key to … Continue reading

Happy Valentine’s Day – Cardio Crash Course

We talk about cardio a lot. Cardiovascular exercises are fundamental in any fitness program as it helps you to lose weight, build heart and lung strength as well as increases circulation and overall endurance. Cardio is also one of the ‘easier’ sets of exercises to perform because you are using large muscle groups and you can set the pace yourself. Here are four cardio fast-track tricks that you can use to increase your own performance during cardio exercises: Interval Training – At periodic intervals you increase speed or intensity for short periods of time. For example, you warm up for … Continue reading

Personal Trainers – Answering the Why

It sounds simple to hire a personal trainer and build a body that is the equivalent of one of those you see in a highly rated film. However, there are better reasons to hire a personal trainer and we’re going to talk about those. Why? Simple, one of the first things people do when they talk about getting in shape is say one of the following: “If I only had more time …” “If I had the money … “ “If I really had someone to show me what the heck to do … “ The answer to all of … Continue reading