Blast Your Workout: Jump Roping

Do you remember jumping rope when you were a kid? You could jump rope by yourself or with others. There were plenty of rhymes and rope jumping songs you could sing or chant to keep you motivated on course for getting the most number of jumps in your jump roping routine. One of my favorites is one my daughter likes to chant now: Cinderella went upstairs to kiss her fella, she made a mistake and kissed a snake, how many doctors did it take: 1, 2, 3, 4 … The point was to jump with each syllable in the words … Continue reading

6 Tips for Fitness on September 6, 2006

Fitness tips are easy enough to write, you throw in a few clichés and a little bit of common sense and you have a good tip. But there is a reward for writing fitness tips and for reading them. It can help you emphasize what you know and many of us learn by repetition. So with that in mind, here are my 6 fitness tips for today, September the 6th. Flu Season is upon us – don’t train while you’re sick with the flu. Your temperature rises when you are sick and viruses affect your muscles (note the body aches … Continue reading

Tae Bo – Power Workouts

Do you know who Billy Banks is? You can hardly have seen television infomercials in the middle of the night in the late 90s without having seen Billy Banks. If you’re still not sure who he is, just check out the fitness dvds in your local Target, Walmart or even at Billy Banks is the creator and presenter of Tae Bo, a fitness regimen that requires participants to go through a series of high steps, kicks and punches. Performed to intensely energetic hip-hop music, Tae Bo might very well be labeled high cardio-kickboxing. Though it does employ kickboxing, Tae … Continue reading

Belly Dancing

Last spring, I took this great class at the Lifetime Fitness club – it was an introduction to Belly Dancing. At the time that I signed up for it, it was relatively inexpensive about $30 or $40 for an 8 week course in Belly Dancing. We would meet for one hour per week and I admit to some trepidation that first night when I showed up. After all, as much as I love dancing – we’re talking about belly dancing and this is a beautiful form of dance that can be as simple and as complicated as you might imagine. … Continue reading

Thursday’s Top Ten Fitness Tips

Happy Thursday – one more day to TGIF and one more week until my daughter wraps up with her Pre-K program for the year – it’s also the day for top ten Thursday! My Top Ten for this morning addresses fitness secrets. These are fitness ideas and suggestions to help you incorporate fitness into your daily life. In a year, you can develop a fantastic amount of change in your fitness and health. So without further ado, here is today’s top ten Thursday list: A fit person will: Consider exercise a privilege and pleasure rather than a chore or a … Continue reading

Put the Gloves On

Interested in trying something different? A good home workout routine you might decide to engage in is boxing. While boxing may not be a first choice as a form of exercise for a fitness program – it can be a lot of fun. Yes, pugilism is about fighting, but boxing isn’t necessarily about hammering on another person until they cannot stand up. It doesn’t mean blacking an eye or hurting anyone else. Instead, it’s about building up a fitness regimen that is different and if it holds your interest can improve your personal fitness levels. What Do You Need? So … Continue reading

Summer Fun – Say Yes to a Trampoline

A funny thing happened to me today, I went to a website that featured an elephant on a trampoline. After I got done snorting my coffee up my nose and recovering from the following choke and laugh – that guffaw aside – I was doing research on trampolines. You remember the trampoline, right? The big round thing that you can bounce on like mad and your kids get a big giggle out of and you get even more in the way of laughter when their hair stands straight up from the generated static electricity? I thought you might. A trampoline … Continue reading

The Abs Diet Workout

For those of you have been following our Sizzling Summer Slim Down, we’ve been discussing the abs diet here in the Fitness and Weight Loss blogs for the last couple of weeks. I’ve recounted some of my experiences through my blogs and today I want to discuss the Abs Diet Workout plan that I started last week. For those of you just joining us, the Abs Diet is a six-week plan to flatten your stomach and stay lean for life. It features a diet that does deprive you of food so much as reeducate your diet and lifestyle. The food … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge – Day 27: Circuit Training

Good morning! Happy Friday! As we have done all week, feel free to you’re your own choices today. We’ve only got 3 days let and one of those days is our Crash and Burn day tomorrow. The workout below combines strength training and cardio in a circuit-training workout. As always, be sure to hydrate throughout your workout. Take a deep breath, enjoy yourself and keep counting down the days. Begin your workout by marching in place. Put on some music with a good beat. This can help you march. As you march, swing your arms forwards and back lightly. You … Continue reading

Spring Forward to Action 30-Day Challenge – Day 26: Flexibility & Cardio

With just 4 days to go, your participation in the Spring Forward to Action 30 Day Challenge will strengthen your mental health. You will have reduced symptoms of depression. You will feel more confident. You will feel more capable. You will feel better rested and healthier. Your appetite will be stimulated for healthier foods and your body more rejuvenated. The Spring Forward to Action Challenge asked you to commit yourself to setting, working towards and achieving your goals. You will be a better athlete. You will have improved your stamina and endurance. My personal hope is that whether you have … Continue reading