Should You Work for a Small or Large Company?

This is often a tough decision to make when you are job hunting. Is it better to be the big fish in a small pond or a small fish in the big pond? Both small and large companies have advantages and disadvantages. The key is to evaluate them both for your individual situation, skills and personality, in order to find the best fit. Smaller companies provide an opportunity to feel a part of the organization. They often allow for more variety in your job, as most employees do multiple tasks and often even multiple positions. A smaller company can present … Continue reading

Wives Who Work From Home – Your Career

When you work from home, there are people who may scoff at the idea that you have a ‘career.’ Your spouse may even be one of them. This is a difficult place to be in because you want and need the support of your spouse. Our spouses have a profound impact on our ability to do our job. You may not realize this at first, but try to get some work done the next time the two of you have a disagreement or you feel a certain lack of appreciation – it can make it very hard. When your husband … Continue reading

My Mini Me

Do you want your kids to follow in your footsteps, career wise? Tyler has announced that when he grows up he wants to be a writer. Why not, he’s been around books all of his life. He’s witnessed me toiling day in and day out, literally burning the midnight oil doing research or trying to beat a deadline. He knows that eventually a check comes in the mail along with a copy of the article that I worked so hard on. He’s proud of what I do and tells everyone that his mom is a writer. He’s been walking around … Continue reading

Career or Life Oriented?

Are you life or career oriented? There is actually a point to this question. Let me define what I mean and then I’ll tell you what I am talking about. Everyone in life makes a lot of different decisions about a lot of different things, when it comes to deciding what kind of life you’re going to have – you do have choices. These choices will impact not only the kind of person you are, but the type of marriage that you have. The Career Oriented When your life is career oriented, you base the majority of your decisions around … Continue reading