Are You Taking Care of More Than Just Your Child?

While some of us may be single parents taking care of our children, others of us have parents, grandparents or other people for whom we have become responsible. When I think about how busy and overwhelming my life can be just taking care of three children, I have nothing but awe and respect for those who are taking care of others as a single parent too! Everything I write here about time management, self-care, and getting help goes double (or triple) for those who are sandwiched in between caring for children and caring for aging parents, grandparents, or someone with … Continue reading

Children and Aging Parents–Are You Caring for Both?

Increasingly, some adults are finding themselves stuck in the middle as part of the “sandwich club”–caring both for their own young children and their aging parents or grandparents. With the responsibility for managing a household, often working full time, and caring for the generations on either side of them, these people can be overwhelmed, over stressed, and stretched so thinly, they could snap! Many of these individuals in the sandwich club are older parents–adults who waited to have their own children until they were in their late thirties or early forties, or perhaps they themselves were born to older parents. … Continue reading

Tips for Caretakers

Taking care of a loved one or family member can be incredibly difficult and unrewarding. The stress of being a caretaker can be incredible, and seemingly unending. First and foremost, you need to make sure you get some time for yourself. You can’t neglect your own needs just because you are taking care of someone else. Stress and frustration levels will just keep going up unless you take a little time alone to recharge your batteries. What else can you do to make caretaker duties a little easier? Have realistic expectations. You aren’t perfect. The person you are taking care … Continue reading

Caretakers: Role Reversal

Serving as a caretaker is a difficult and often unrewarding task. But have you ever tried to put yourself in the shoes of the person you are taking care of? I haven’t. For the last two years, I have been living with my grandmother and serving as one of her primary caretakers. Since I was about eight years old, she has been living with Type 2 diabetes. Within the last few years, she’s had to start taking insulin injections to help manage her blood sugar levels. The last few years have also seen a mental decline. My grandmother has changed … Continue reading