Attitudes Portray that Rapists Can’t Control Urges

A recent study of 2000 Victorian (Australia) adults supports that ALMOST two in five people think that men who rape do so because they can’t control their urges. The Violence Against Women Community Attitudes Project also discovered that one in four people believe domestic violence is acceptable as long as the perpetrator genuinely regrets it afterwards. Is it any wonder then that one in five women will experience intimate partner violence in their relationship? Chief Executive Officer of VicHealth, Dr Rob Moodie, sadly stated that the attitudinal figures showed negative attitudes that cause harm to women are still prevalent in … Continue reading

Carmel by the Sea

When the workweek is over and you’re itching for adventure, consider Carmel. Take the scenic drive up Coast Highway 101, and relax as the cool waters of the pacific pound the rocky shores. Open your windows and inhale the scents of the forest as Big Sur draws near. Then stare in awe as Carmel-by-the-Sea comes into view and you suddenly wonder why you’ve never discovered this charming hideaway. Nestled amidst mountains and sea, Carmel will have you feeling as though you’ve stepped back in time. With cobblestone sidewalks, quaint shops, and cozy cafes, Carmel is an adventure for all of … Continue reading