The Rising Cost of Commuting

Did you know Americans spend more than 100 hours a year commuting to work? If you spend countless hours in your vehicle driving to and from work each day then you know the affects a long commute can have on your wallet. Those hours on the road burn up time and money. And with the current state of our economy making headlines everyday many companies throughout the country are being forced to address the challenges associated with commuting. A new survey just released found that 57% of companies in the United States are now offering at least one program designed … Continue reading

“Vacation Carpool” Part 2–Renting a Van

This is a follow up to my previous blog: “A ‘Vacation Carpool’… Or How I Saved Our Family’s Summer Road Trip.” In it, I suggested carpooling with another family to save money on your summer road trip. In order to implement the concept, it is critical to secure a vehicle large enough to accommodate multiple families. I suggested renting a van. If you decide to go this route the issue of money will likely come up. Besides the rental fee itself here is a list of other possible charges you should consider before deciding to rent: Gasoline Charges If you … Continue reading

A “Vacation Carpool” (Or How I Saved Our Family’s Summer Road Trip)

Last night it hit me… an absolutely brilliant idea that would help save our family’s summer road trip. (Like many families, we all but cancelled our trip after gas prices hit three dollars.) So, here’s my mega-watt plan: A “Vacation Carpool!” It may sound crazy, but allow me to explain. Most of us are familiar with the concept of carpooling. Basically, it’s a shared ride between people traveling to the same destination (be it work, a child’s soccer practice or birthday party). With a “Vacation Carpool” you would travel to a specified destination in a shared vehicle with people you … Continue reading

Carpooling: A Company’s Success Story

This is a follow-up to my “Leave Your Car at Home Day” blog. In it I highlighted the benefits of using local Park & Ride lots to combat rising gas prices. Today, I am sticking with the subject of carpooling and sharing with you a story that may further encourage you to carpool. A company located near my home started a carpool program more than five years ago. (I live in a fairly small city and carpooling is not as popular as it is in bigger metropolitan areas. We don’t have a carpool or “ZIPPER” lane and the rush-hour commute … Continue reading