Little Touches Make The Difference

When it comes to vegetables, carrots are another huge favorite. When I was pregnant I ate so many carrots I felt like Bugs Bunny. Carrots are good for your eyesight because they contain so much beta carotene which translates into Vitamin A. My children and I should never have anything wrong with our eyesight. It was certainly a better craving than many others I’ve heard of and less fattening than the other craving of custard tarts, which I also had. This was all before my gluten free diagnosis. Perhaps though, you are bored with just steamed carrots. A good suggestion … Continue reading

Thanksgiving Recipes: Vegetables

As much as your children would rather you forget them all together, vegetables are a vital part of a traditional Thanksgiving spread. While my brother’s tot will happily munch on carrots sticks (drowned in Ranch dressing) as though he were part rabbit, my preschooler needs to be bribed to take even a nibble of the crunchy orange vegetable. This is why our family meals such as Thanksgiving must include a variety of veggie dishes. The first one I’m sharing with you is the only carrot recipe my daughter will eat. Once you scan the ingredients you’ll see why. The second … Continue reading

Two Side Dishes That Make the Dinner

Are you a one dish Betty, preferring to schlop all of your vegetables, meat and potatoes in one casserole dish? Don’t get me wrong, casseroles have their place at our dinner table. They are quick, easy and can often be prepped ahead of time. On the other hand, it sets a certain mood to have dinner where there is one main meat and several delicious side dishes. These particular side dishes go well with anything, are fairly easy to prep and will complete your meal with a touch of elegance! Sauteed Spinach and Mushrooms You will need: 3 tablespoons butter … Continue reading

What to do with Leftover Raw Vegetables

Well, I guess I won’t be cooking for a Super Bowl party after all. Now that the Green Bay Packers blew their chance to compete for the title of best team in the NFL not only am I left with a bitter taste in my mouth, I have a ton of leftover raw vegetables to boot. For those of you who haven’t been following my guest blogs here in the FOOD category, Valorie has been kind enough to allow me to share the recipes I have been furiously preparing for the numerous playoff and championship game parties I’ve attended during … Continue reading

Sneaky Mama’s Baked Veggie Fries

It has been a long while since I’ve posted a Sneaky Mama recipe. But in all of my holiday cooking and baking, I was challenged to come up with something that my eight year old will eat. She is queen of the picky eaters. I’m just waiting for the full blown coronation. So in response to coming up with something that she will enjoy at the Thanksgiving dinner table (and no, she doesn’t like mashed potatoes, turkey, sweet potatoes, gravy stuffing or even pie) besides rolls, I’ve created some vegetable fries. Try out the various seasonings and see what your … Continue reading

Frozen Doggie Delights: Experimenting with Carrot Juice

For Murphy’s birthday I wanted to make him a special treat. I know there are places you can buy dog birthday cakes and such, but I didn’t need that much food. So I started thinking about ice cream. Murph loves this doggie ice cream called Dogsters that I used to be able to find at the Publix in Florida but haven’t found in Tennessee. He was nuts about the carrot-flavored one in particular. Making My Own Doggie Ice Delights I got to thinking, “How hard would it be to just freeze some carrot juice in ice cube trays and see … Continue reading

How We Celebrated Murphy’s Sixth Birthday

Photo By Arif Budiman Yesterday marked the sixth year anniversary of when Murph picked us out at the animal control shelter and we broke down and brought him home. Since we don’t know when Murph’s true birthday is, this is the one we go by. And since Murph’s birthday marks the end of the Team Pryor September Celebration Extravaganza, we had to wrap it up right. Double Parkin’ It Murph loves to take walks and go for rides, and if you combine those with a trip to the park…wow. That’s a big day in Murph’s world. After we did our … Continue reading

Using Newspaper in the Refrigerator

Here is an old trick that still works today. It will help keep your veggies crisp and fresh, and is a testament to how many ways and for how many purposes that you can use a newspaper. One thing we have a lot of in this house is newspaper and produce. I usually get at least two copies of the Sunday paper. We love reading the paper, but the double copy is mostly for the coupons. There are plenty of ways to stretch out using a newspaper. For example, you might want to check out the following articles that Nicole … Continue reading

The Baby Carrot Revolution

I guess you learn something new every day. I knew that baby carrots didn’t really come out like that–all perfect and rounded and small. I mean, carrots are a root vegetable and root vegetables are not pretty. So when an article came across my desk about the origins of the baby carrot, I decided to share. Baby carrots were invented (I didn’t even know someone could ‘invent’ a vegetable), by a guy named Mike Yurosek. Mike, a California based farmer had a perplexing dilemma. Every year, he was throwing away approximately 4 tons of carrots because apparently people wouldn’t buy … Continue reading

Grow Your Own Carrots

If you want to save money, try growing your own food. It is a great frugal practice that will help you save on your grocery bill. If you have never grown your own food before, you can try your hand at carrots. They are pretty easy to grow and can be harvested as needed. Carrots are also very nutritious and can be used in a variety of dishes or just eaten raw. One of the great things about carrots is that you can harvest them as you need them. There is no need to pull your carrots all at once. … Continue reading