Computer Accessory Deals

Notebook Case FAR I love my laptop. Okay, so it’s not actually mine, it’s my son’s. But as the parent, I get first dibs when I need it. He saved for it and we kicked in the other two-thirds as a Christmas present. It’s been a blessing at times. They’re so convenient. The only thing I worry about with it is dropping it. No, we didn’t buy the $200 extended warranty even though the salesman was pretty convincing. Instead, we have it packed into a very nicely padded case. It cost a lot more than the Free After Rebate deal … Continue reading

Tips On Picking The Right Vase

Yesterday I spent a few hours purging my cupboards. I didn’t do so to make room for an influx of Christmas gifts, rather I was trying to find a place to store my griddle. In doing so I came across a cabinet that was stocked with flower vases—-dozens of flower vases–in all shapes and sizes. Until yesterday I had never taken inventory of my vases and wondered how I had accumulated so many. (I always complain that I NEVER get flowers so how could I have amassed such a large collection?) I deduced that many were leftover from birthday, anniversary … Continue reading

How to Clean Your Computer

It is important to keep your computer clean, and these tips will help: Cleaning Your Monitor There are special electronic wipes and sprays that you can use to clean computer equipment. They evaporate quickly to avoid leaving too much moisture on sensitive electronics, but it is still wise to spray these solutions on a cloth, never directly on components. Also, some computer monitors have a special film over the screen, which can be damaged by cleaning products. Check the manufacturer’s instructions. If you are worried about using chemical treatments, wipe the screen with a clean, soft cloth that has been … Continue reading