Diary of a Cat Care B&B: Not-So-Accidental Injuries

Accidental injuries, I’m relatively all right with. Wrong place, wrong time, nobody’s fault. Those not-so-accidental injuries? Those, I feel bad about. My right side seems to have taken the brunt of the lessons in cat behavior. My first scratch and bite combo came from a cat named Chuck who wasn’t very happy when I put him down on the scale. The scratch went from knuckles to elbow, and it looks like the part on the back of my hand will be a lingering scar. This was most definitely an intentional wounding. But it was also a case of me not … Continue reading

Cat Scratch Fever

Ted Nugent sang about it — but is it for real? Some people may try to tell you cat scratch disease is a myth, but your vet or family doctor may say differently. A scratch from a cat is usually more of a problem for a human than for another cat. Cat scratches on humans A bite or scratch from a cat can turn into a serious infection pretty quickly — virtually overnight. If you are scratched or especially bitten, you need to be careful with the wound. Wash it carefully, and keep an eye on the site. You may … Continue reading