Look at That Cat Grass Grow!

In a recent article, I wrote about how I bought a couple cat grass kits that my mom had pointed out to me. One was for their drinking fountain, the other was a freestanding Kitty Garden. The Aqua Garden The Drinkwell Aqua Garden Pet Grass really surprised me. It’s just a little blue container that clips to the side of the Drinkwell fountain. There’s no soil, just seeds. “Grass is really going to grow in here?” I wondered doubtfully. Oh man, did it! The directions specified a trim of the roots might be needed, but I actually had to cut … Continue reading

Greens For Your Kitty

Although cats are carnivores, they do need some greens in their diet. Most of a cat’s dietary needs are satisfied by eating meat, but supplemental fiber and nutrients come from greens! Your domestic kitty can get the majority of what she needs from commercial cat foods — all the carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals are included in the mix. However you may still catch your cat chowing down on grass in the yard or plants in your house! The experts think this may be partly for nutrients and partly to help with digestion. It isn’t hard to plant some appropriate greens … Continue reading